Commit 4eafb426 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Use immutable tuple instead of mutable aray where possible

parent 08a03e1a
......@@ -124,22 +124,22 @@ class EndStopCheck(TargetCheck):
if not target:
return False
# Thai does not have a full stop
if self.is_language(unit, ['th']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('th', )):
return False
if self.is_language(unit, ['ja']) and source[-1] in [':', ';']:
if self.is_language(unit, ('ja', )) and source[-1] in (':', ';'):
# Japanese sentence might need to end with full stop
# in case it's used before list.
return self.check_chars(
source, target, -1, [u';', u':', u':', u'.', u'。']
source, target, -1, (u';', u':', u':', u'.', u'。')
if self.is_language(unit, ['hi', 'bn']):
# Using | instead of । is not typographically correct, but
# seems to be quite usual
return self.check_chars(
source, target, -1, [u'.', u'।', u'|']
source, target, -1, (u'.', u'।', u'|')
return self.check_chars(
source, target, -1, [u'.', u'。', u'।', u'۔', u'։', u'·', u'෴']
source, target, -1, (u'.', u'。', u'।', u'۔', u'։', u'·', u'෴')
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class EndColonCheck(TargetCheck):
def check_single(self, source, target, unit, cache_slot):
if not source or not target:
return False
if self.is_language(unit, ['fr', 'br']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('fr', 'br')):
if source[-1] == ':':
# Accept variant with trailing space as well
if target[-1] == ' ':
......@@ -168,27 +168,27 @@ class EndColonCheck(TargetCheck):
if check_string not in self.colon_fr:
return True
return False
if self.is_language(unit, ['hy']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('hy', )):
if source[-1] == ':':
return self.check_chars(
[u':', u'՝', u'`']
(u':', u'՝', u'`')
return False
if self.is_language(unit, ['ja']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('ja', )):
# Japanese sentence might need to end with full stop
# in case it's used before list.
if source[-1] in [':', ';']:
if source[-1] in (':', ';'):
return self.check_chars(
[u';', u':', u':', u'.', u'。']
(u';', u':', u':', u'.', u'。')
return False
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, [u':', u':'])
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, (u':', u':'))
class EndQuestionCheck(TargetCheck):
......@@ -207,21 +207,21 @@ class EndQuestionCheck(TargetCheck):
def check_single(self, source, target, unit, cache_slot):
if not source or not target:
return False
if self.is_language(unit, ['fr', 'br']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('fr', 'br')):
if source[-1] != '?':
return False
return target[-2:] not in self.question_fr
if self.is_language(unit, ['hy']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('hy', )):
if source[-1] == '?':
return self.check_chars(
[u'?', u'՞']
(u'?', u'՞')
return False
if self.is_language(unit, ['el']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('el', )):
if source[-1] != '?':
return False
return target[-1] not in self.question_el
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class EndQuestionCheck(TargetCheck):
[u'?', u'՞', u'؟', u'⸮', u'?', u'፧', u'꘏', u'⳺']
(u'?', u'՞', u'؟', u'⸮', u'?', u'፧', u'꘏', u'⳺')
......@@ -249,20 +249,20 @@ class EndExclamationCheck(TargetCheck):
def check_single(self, source, target, unit, cache_slot):
if not source or not target:
return False
if self.is_language(unit, ['eu']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('eu', )):
if source[-1] == '!':
if u'¡' in target and u'!' in target:
return False
if self.is_language(unit, ['hy']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('hy', )):
if source[-1] == '!':
return self.check_chars(
[u'!', u'՜', u'~']
(u'!', u'՜', u'~')
return False
if self.is_language(unit, ['fr', 'br']):
if self.is_language(unit, ('fr', 'br')):
if source[-1] == '!':
if target[-2:] not in self.exclamation_fr:
return True
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class EndExclamationCheck(TargetCheck):
[u'!', u'!', u'՜', u'᥄', u'႟', u'߹']
(u'!', u'!', u'՜', u'᥄', u'႟', u'߹')
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class EndEllipsisCheck(TargetCheck):
# Allow ... to be translated into ellipsis
if source.endswith('...') and target[-1] == u'…':
return False
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, [u'…'])
return self.check_chars(source, target, -1, (u'…', ))
class NewlineCountingCheck(CountingCheck):
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