Commit 54652f74 authored by Maxime “pep” Buquet's avatar Maxime “pep” Buquet Committed by JC Brand

Remove `sudo: false` in .travis.yml

`sudo: false` is getting deprecated and support for it will soon be
removed entirely. They seem to be moving to using VMs entirely for their

Converse doesn't seem to be using Travis' features extensively so I
don't think anything would break, but this clause will become useless in
less than a month, (quite a tight timeline).
Signed-off-by: default avatarMaxime “pep” Buquet <>
parent 7beeada0
......@@ -14,4 +14,3 @@ before_install:
install: make stamp-npm
before_script: make serve_bg
script: make check
sudo: false
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