Commit 570e6aba authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

update fonts to add room properties

parent 10a85336
Open *demo.html* to see a list of all the glyphs in your font along with their codes/ligatures.
To use the generated font in desktop programs, you can install the TTF font. In order to copy the character associated with each icon, refer to the text box at the bottom right corner of each glyph in demo.html. The character inside this text box may be invisible; but it can still be copied. See this guide for more info:
You won't need any of the files located under the *demo-files* directory when including the generated font in your own projects.
You can import *selection.json* back to the IcoMoon app using the *Import Icons* button (or via Main Menu > Manage Projects) to retrieve your icon selection.
You can import *selection.json* back to the IcoMoon app using the *Import Icons* button (or via Main Menu Manage Projects) to retrieve your icon selection.
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This diff is collapsed.
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......@@ -47,24 +51,28 @@
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......@@ -74,8 +82,8 @@
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.icon-offline:before { content: "\e002"; }
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.icon-chat:before { content: "\25fc"; }
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.icon-pencil:before { content: "\270e"; }
.icon-phone-hang-up:before { content: "\260e"; }
......@@ -89,33 +97,27 @@
.icon-remove:before { content: "\e02d"; }
.icon-room-info:before { content: "\e059"; }
.icon-sad:before { content: "\2639"; }
.icon-save:before { content: "\f0c7"; }
.icon-search:before { content: "\e021"; }
.icon-shocked:before { content: "\2364"; }
.icon-show-users:before { content: "\e01e"; }
.icon-smiley:before { content: "\263a"; }
.icon-snowflake:before { content: "\f2dc"; }
.icon-spell-check:before { content: "\e045"; }
.icon-spinner:before { content: "\231b"; }
.icon-strikethrough:before { content: "\e050"; }
.icon-thumbs-up:before { content: "\261d"; }
.icon-tongue:before { content: "\e038"; }
.icon-underline:before { content: "\e04e"; }
.icon-unlocked:before { content: "\e025"; }
.icon-user:before { content: "\e01a"; }
.icon-users:before { content: "\e01b"; }
.icon-volume-decrease:before { content: "\e04b"; }
.icon-volume-high:before { content: "\e046"; }
.icon-volume-increase:before { content: "\e04c"; }
.icon-volume-low:before { content: "\e048"; }
.icon-volume-medium:before { content: "\e047"; }
.icon-volume-mute-2:before { content: "\e04a"; }
.icon-volume-mute:before { content: "\e049"; }
.icon-warning:before { content: "\26a0"; }
.icon-wink:before { content: "\e03a"; }
.icon-wondering:before { content: "\2369"; }
.icon-wrench:before { content: "\e024"; }
.icon-xa:before { content: "\e602"; }
.icon-offline:before { content: "\e002"; }
.icon-youtube:before { content: "\e055"; }
.icon-zoom-in:before { content: "\e02b"; }
.icon-zoom-out:before { content: "\e02a"; }
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