Commit 5839e38f authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Performance fix. updates #151

_.pluck was being called inside the form loop.
parent 235c3e15
......@@ -3530,20 +3530,20 @@
/* The localstorage cache containing roster contacts might contain
* some contacts that aren't actually in our roster anymore. We
* therefore need to remove them now.
* TODO: The method is a performance bottleneck.
* Basically we need to chuck out strophe.roster and
* rewrite it with backbone.js and well integrated into
* converse.js. Then we won't need to have this method at all.
var id, i, contact;
for (i=0; i < this.models.length; ++i) {
id = this.models[i].get('id');
if (_.indexOf(_.pluck(items, 'jid'), id) === -1) {
contact = this.get(id);
if (contact && !contact.get('requesting')) {
_.each(_.difference(this.pluck('jid'), _.pluck(items, 'jid')), $.proxy(function (jid) {
var contact = this.get(jid);
if (contact && !contact.get('requesting')) {
}, this));
// TODO: see if we can only use 2nd item par
rosterHandler: function (items, item) {
converse.emit('roster', items);
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