Commit 5da0a2e8 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Better document continuous translation

Including diagram that shows interactions.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMichal Čihař <>
parent fb38e40f
......@@ -7,6 +7,36 @@ Weblate provides you great infrastructure for translation to closely follow
your development. This way translators can work on translations whole time and
are not forced to translate huge amount of new texts before release.
The complete process can be described in following steps:
1. Developers make some changes and push them to the VCS repository.
2. Optionally the translation files are updated (this depends on the file format, see :ref:`translations-update`).
3. Weblate pulls changes from the VCS repository, see :ref:`update-vcs`.
4. Once Weblate detects changes in translations, translators will be notified based on their subscription settings.
5. Translators make translations using Weblate web interface.
6. Once translators are done, Weblate commits the changes to the local repository (see :ref:`lazy-commit`) and pushes them back if it has permissions to do that (see :ref:`push-changes`).
.. graphviz::
digraph translations {
"Developers" [shape=box, fillcolor=lightgreen, style=filled];
"Translators" [shape=box, fillcolor=lightgreen, style=filled];
"Developers" -> "VCS repository" [label=" 1. Push "];
"VCS repository" -> "VCS repository" [label=" 2. Updating translations ", style=dotted];
"VCS repository" -> "Weblate" [label=" 3. Pull "];
"Weblate" -> "Translators" [label=" 4. Notification "];
"Translators" -> "Weblate" [label=" 5. Translate "];
"Weblate" -> "VCS repository" [label=" 6. Push "];
.. _update-vcs:
Updating repositories
......@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ sys.path.append(
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = ['djangodocs', 'sphinxcontrib.httpdomain']
extensions = [
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
......@@ -338,3 +342,5 @@ epub_exclude_files = ['search.html']
# If false, no index is generated.
#epub_use_index = True
graphviz_output_format = 'svg'
......@@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ For Gettext PO files, you have to pass parameter ``--previous`` to
For monolingual translations, Weblate can find the previous string by ID, so it
shows the differences automatically.
.. _translations-update:
Why does Weblate still shows old translation strings when I've updated the template?
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