Commit 62a2e307 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Add initial service discovery (XEP 30) support.

- Still needs caching and optimisation
parent bf5c5e36
Copyright 2010, François de Metz <>
* Disco Strophe Plugin
* Implement
* TODO: manage node hierarchies, and node on info request
_connection: null,
_identities : [],
_features : [],
_items : [],
/** Function: init
* Plugin init
* Parameters:
* (Strophe.Connection) conn - Strophe connection
init: function(conn)
this._connection = conn;
this._identities = [];
this._features = [];
this._items = [];
// disco info
conn.addHandler(this._onDiscoInfo.bind(this), Strophe.NS.DISCO_INFO, 'iq', 'get', null, null);
// disco items
conn.addHandler(this._onDiscoItems.bind(this), Strophe.NS.DISCO_ITEMS, 'iq', 'get', null, null);
/** Function: addIdentity
* See
* Parameters:
* (String) category - category of identity (like client, automation, etc ...)
* (String) type - type of identity (like pc, web, bot , etc ...)
* (String) name - name of identity in natural language
* (String) lang - lang of name parameter
* Returns:
* Boolean
addIdentity: function(category, type, name, lang)
for (var i=0; i<this._identities.length; i++)
if (this._identities[i].category == category &&
this._identities[i].type == type &&
this._identities[i].name == name &&
this._identities[i].lang == lang)
return false;
this._identities.push({category: category, type: type, name: name, lang: lang});
return true;
/** Function: addFeature
* Parameters:
* (String) var_name - feature name (like jabber:iq:version)
* Returns:
* boolean
addFeature: function(var_name)
for (var i=0; i<this._features.length; i++)
if (this._features[i] == var_name)
return false;
return true;
/** Function: removeFeature
* Parameters:
* (String) var_name - feature name (like jabber:iq:version)
* Returns:
* boolean
removeFeature: function(var_name)
for (var i=0; i<this._features.length; i++)
if (this._features[i] === var_name){
return true;
return false;
/** Function: addItem
* Parameters:
* (String) jid
* (String) name
* (String) node
* (Function) call_back
* Returns:
* boolean
addItem: function(jid, name, node, call_back)
if (node && !call_back)
return false;
this._items.push({jid: jid, name: name, node: node, call_back: call_back});
return true;
/** Function: info
* Info query
* Parameters:
* (Function) call_back
* (String) jid
* (String) node
info: function(jid, node, success, error, timeout)
var attrs = {xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_INFO};
if (node)
attrs.node = node;
var info = $iq({from:this._connection.jid,
to:jid, type:'get'}).c('query', attrs);
this._connection.sendIQ(info, success, error, timeout);
/** Function: items
* Items query
* Parameters:
* (Function) call_back
* (String) jid
* (String) node
items: function(jid, node, success, error, timeout)
var attrs = {xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_ITEMS};
if (node)
attrs.node = node;
var items = $iq({from:this._connection.jid,
to:jid, type:'get'}).c('query', attrs);
this._connection.sendIQ(items, success, error, timeout);
/** PrivateFunction: _buildIQResult
_buildIQResult: function(stanza, query_attrs)
var id = stanza.getAttribute('id');
var from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
var iqresult = $iq({type: 'result', id: id});
if (from !== null) {
iqresult.attrs({to: from});
return iqresult.c('query', query_attrs);
/** PrivateFunction: _onDiscoInfo
* Called when receive info request
_onDiscoInfo: function(stanza)
var node = stanza.getElementsByTagName('query')[0].getAttribute('node');
var attrs = {xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_INFO};
if (node)
attrs.node = node;
var iqresult = this._buildIQResult(stanza, attrs);
for (var i=0; i<this._identities.length; i++)
var attrs = {category: this._identities[i].category,
type : this._identities[i].type};
if (this._identities[i].name) = this._identities[i].name;
if (this._identities[i].lang)
attrs['xml:lang'] = this._identities[i].lang;
iqresult.c('identity', attrs).up();
for (var i=0; i<this._features.length; i++)
iqresult.c('feature', {'var':this._features[i]}).up();
return true;
/** PrivateFunction: _onDiscoItems
* Called when receive items request
_onDiscoItems: function(stanza)
var query_attrs = {xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_ITEMS};
var node = stanza.getElementsByTagName('query')[0].getAttribute('node');
if (node)
query_attrs.node = node;
var items = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++)
if (this._items[i].node == node)
items = this._items[i].call_back(stanza);
var items = this._items;
var iqresult = this._buildIQResult(stanza, query_attrs);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
var attrs = {jid: items[i].jid};
if (items[i].name) = items[i].name;
if (items[i].node)
attrs.node = items[i].node;
iqresult.c('item', attrs).up();
return true;
......@@ -415,6 +415,19 @@ input {
margin-top: 0.5em;
#available-chatrooms {
height: 225px;
overflow-y: scroll;
#available-chatrooms dd {
overflow-x: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
display: inline-block;
width: 160px;
#available-chatrooms dt,
#converse-roster dt {
font-weight: normal;
......@@ -430,11 +443,6 @@ input {
padding-top: 1em;
#available-chatrooms li {
display: block;
#converse-roster dd {
font-weight: bold;
* Converse.js (XMPP-based instant messaging with Strophe.js and backbone.js)
* Converse.js (Web-based XMPP instant messaging client)
* Copyright (c) 2012 Jan-Carel Brand (
* Copyright (c) 2012, Jan-Carel Brand <>
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL Licenses
......@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
"strophe": "Libraries/strophe",
"strophe.muc": "Libraries/strophe.muc",
"strophe.roster": "Libraries/strophe.roster",
"strophe.vcard": "Libraries/strophe.vcard"
"strophe.vcard": "Libraries/strophe.vcard",
"strophe.disco": "Libraries/strophe.disco"
// define module dependencies for modules not using define
......@@ -38,22 +39,11 @@
//module value.
exports: 'Backbone'
'underscore': {
exports: '_'
'strophe.muc': {
deps: ['strophe', 'jquery']
'strophe.roster': {
deps: ['strophe', 'jquery']
'strophe.vcard': {
deps: ['strophe', 'jquery']
'underscore': { exports: '_' },
'strophe.muc': { deps: ['strophe', 'jquery'] },
'strophe.roster': { deps: ['strophe', 'jquery'] },
'strophe.vcard': { deps: ['strophe', 'jquery'] },
'strophe.disco': { deps: ['strophe', 'jquery'] }
......@@ -63,7 +53,8 @@
], function() {
// Use Mustache style syntax for variable interpolation
_.templateSettings = {
......@@ -82,7 +73,6 @@
root.converse = factory(jQuery, _, console || {log: function(){}});
}(this, function ($, _, console) {
var converse = {};
converse.msg_counter = 0;
......@@ -744,7 +734,7 @@
for (i=0; i<rooms_length; i++) {
name = Strophe.unescapeNode($(rooms[i]).attr('name'));
name = Strophe.unescapeNode($(rooms[i]).attr('name')||$(rooms[i]).attr('jid'));
jid = $(rooms[i]).attr('jid');
$available_chatrooms.append(this.room_template({'name':name, 'jid':jid}));
......@@ -847,12 +837,17 @@
this.contactspanel = new converse.ContactsPanel();
this.contactspanel.$parent = this.$el;
// TODO: Only add the rooms panel if the server supports MUC
return this;
addRoomsPanel: function () {
// XXX: We might to ensure that render was already called
if (!this.roomspanel) {
this.roomspanel = new converse.RoomsPanel();
this.roomspanel.$parent = this.$el;
return this;
......@@ -1842,8 +1837,7 @@
// iterate through all the <option> elements and add option values
'value': $(this).val(),
options_list.push(that.option_template({'value': $(this).val(),
'text': $(this).text()
......@@ -1854,6 +1848,41 @@
converse.ServiceDiscovery = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {, null, this.onInfo, this.onError);
converse.connection.disco.items(converse.domain, null, $.proxy(this.onItems, this), $.proxy(this.onError, this));
onItems: function (stanza) {
var that = this;
$(stanza).find('query item').each(function () {$(this).attr('jid'), null, that.onInfo, that.onError);
onInfo: function (stanza) {
var $stanza = $(stanza);
if ($(stanza).find('identity[category=conference][type=text]').length < 1) {
// This isn't an IM server component
$stanza.find('feature').each(function (idx, feature) {
if ($(this).attr('var') == '') {
// This component supports MUC
converse.muc_domain = $stanza.attr('from');
// XXX: It would probably make sense to refactor a
// controlbox to be a Collection of Panel objects
onError: function (stanza) {
console.log("Error while doing service discovery");
converse.LoginPanel = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
id: "login-dialog",
......@@ -1868,7 +1897,7 @@
'<input type="text" id="jid">' +
'<label>Password:</label>' +
'<input type="password" id="password">' +
'<input type="submit" name="submit"/>' +
'<button type="submit">Log In</button>' +
bosh_url_input: _.template(
......@@ -1985,13 +2014,13 @@
converse.onConnected = function (connection) {
this.connection = connection;
this.animate = true; // Use animations
this.connection.xmlInput = function (body) { console.log(body); };
this.connection.xmlOutput = function (body) { console.log(body); };
this.bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.connection.jid);
this.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(this.connection.jid);
this.muc_domain = 'conference.' + this.domain;
// Sevice discovery
this.disco = new this.ServiceDiscovery();
// Set up the roster
this.roster = new this.RosterItems();
require(["jquery", "converse"], function($, converse) {
animate: true,
bosh_service_url: '',
prebind: false,
xhr_user_search: false,
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