Commit 62c17027 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Allow plugins to have optional dependencies.

This change refactors out the plugin code from converse-core into

Additionally, plugins now have an optional attribute `optional_dependencies`
which is an array of dependencies which are "nice-to-have" but not essential.

Work has also been done to ensure that a plugins' dependencies are first loaded
before the plugin itself.
parent 3ca61080
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ require.config({
"converse-notification": "src/converse-notification",
"converse-otr": "src/converse-otr",
"converse-ping": "src/converse-ping",
"converse-pluggable": "src/converse-pluggable",
"converse-register": "src/converse-register",
"converse-rosterview": "src/converse-rosterview",
"converse-templates": "src/converse-templates",
......@@ -235,11 +236,11 @@ if (typeof define !== 'undefined') {
// translations that you care about.
"converse-chatview", // Renders standalone chat boxes for single user chat
"converse-controlbox", // The control box
"converse-mam", // XEP-0313 Message Archive Management
"converse-muc", // XEP-0045 Multi-user chat
"converse-vcard", // XEP-0054 VCard-temp
"converse-otr", // Off-the-record encryption for one-on-one messages
"converse-controlbox", // The control box
"converse-register", // XEP-0077 In-band registration
"converse-ping", // XEP-0199 XMPP Ping
"converse-notification",// HTML5 Notifications
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
play_sounds: true,
roster_groups: true,
show_controlbox_by_default: true,
strict_plugin_dependencies: false,
chatstate_notification_blacklist: [''],
xhr_user_search: false,
debug: true
......@@ -406,11 +406,13 @@
describe("A Chat Message", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
runs(function () {
runs(function () {});
describe("when received from someone else", function () {
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
var connection = converse.connection;
delete converse.bosh_service_url;
delete converse.connection;
new Error("initConnection: you must supply a value for either the bosh_service_url or websocket_url or both."));
converse.bosh_service_url = url;
converse.connection = connection;
......@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
describe("The Protocol", $.proxy(function (mock, test_utils) {
beforeEach(function () {
describe("Integration of Roster Items and Presence Subscriptions", $.proxy(function (mock, test_utils) {
/* Some level of integration between roster items and presence
* subscriptions is normally expected by an instant messaging user
......@@ -48,9 +54,6 @@
beforeEach(function () {
......@@ -133,7 +133,13 @@
} else if (typeof jids === "string") {
return converse.wrappedChatBox(converse.chatboxes.getChatBox(jids, true));
return, _.partial(_.compose(converse.wrappedChatBox, converse.chatboxes.getChatBox.bind(converse.chatboxes)), _, true));
converse.wrappedChatBox.bind(converse), converse.chatboxes.getChatBox.bind(converse.chatboxes)
), _, true
'tokens': {
......@@ -181,7 +187,8 @@
'plugins': {
'add': function (name, plugin) {
converse.plugins[name] = plugin;
plugin.__name__ = name;
converse.pluggable.plugins[name] = plugin;
'remove': function (name) {
delete converse.plugins[name];
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
converse_api.plugins.add('chatview', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-chatview', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
moment = converse_api.env.moment;
converse_api.plugins.add('controlbox', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-controlbox', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@
], factory);
}(this, function ($, _, dummy, utils, moment, Strophe, templates) {
}(this, function ($, _, dummy, utils, moment, Strophe, templates, pluggable) {
* Cannot use this due to Safari bug.
* See
......@@ -58,26 +59,31 @@
var event_context = {};
var converse = {
plugins: {},
initialized_plugins: [],
templates: templates,
emit: function (evt, data) {
$(event_context).trigger(evt, data);
once: function (evt, handler) {
$(event_context).one(evt, handler);
on: function (evt, handler) {
if (_.contains(['ready', 'initialized'], evt)) {
converse.log('Warning: The "'+evt+'" event has been deprecated and will be removed, please use "connected".');
$(event_context).bind(evt, handler);
off: function (evt, handler) {
$(event_context).unbind(evt, handler);
// Make converse pluggable
// Module-level constants
converse.STATUS_WEIGHTS = {
'offline': 6,
......@@ -1770,117 +1776,27 @@
return this;
this.wrappedOverride = function (key, value, super_method) {
// We create a partially applied wrapper function, that
// makes sure to set the proper super method when the
// overriding method is called. This is done to enable
// chaining of plugin methods, all the way up to the
// original method.
this._super[key] = super_method;
return value.apply(this,, 3));
this._overrideAttribute = function (key, plugin) {
// See converse.plugins.override
var value = plugin.overrides[key];
if (typeof value === "function") {
var wrapped_function = _.partial(
key, value, converse[key].bind(converse)
converse[key] = wrapped_function;
} else {
converse[key] = value;
this._extendObject = function (obj, attributes) {
// See converse.plugins.extend
if (!obj.prototype._super) {
obj.prototype._super = {'converse': converse};
_.each(attributes, function (value, key) {
if (key === 'events') {
obj.prototype[key] = _.extend(value, obj.prototype[key]);
} else if (typeof value === 'function') {
// We create a partially applied wrapper function, that
// makes sure to set the proper super method when the
// overriding method is called. This is done to enable
// chaining of plugin methods, all the way up to the
// original method.
var wrapped_function = _.partial(
key, value, obj.prototype[key]
obj.prototype[key] = wrapped_function;
} else {
obj.prototype[key] = value;
this.initializePlugins = function () {
if (typeof converse._super === 'undefined') {
converse._super = { 'converse': converse };
var updateSettings = function (settings) {
/* Helper method which gets put on the plugin and allows it to
* add more user-facing config settings to converse.js.
_.extend(converse.default_settings, settings);
_.extend(converse, settings);
_.extend(converse, _.pick(converse.user_settings, Object.keys(settings)));
_.each(_.keys(this.plugins), function (name) {
var plugin = this.plugins[name];
plugin.updateSettings = updateSettings;
if (_.contains(this.initialized_plugins, name)) {
// Don't initialize plugins twice, otherwise we get
// infinite recursion in overridden methods.
plugin.converse = converse;
_.each(Object.keys(plugin.overrides || {}), function (key) {
/* We automatically override all methods and Backbone views and
* models that are in the "overrides" namespace.
var msg,
override = plugin.overrides[key];
if (typeof override === "object") {
if (typeof converse[key] === 'undefined') {
msg = "Error: Plugin tried to override "+key+" but it's not found.";
if (converse.strict_plugin_dependencies) {
throw msg;
} else {
this._extendObject(converse[key], override);
} else {
this._overrideAttribute(key, plugin);
if (typeof plugin.initialize === "function") {
// Initialization
// --------------
// This is the end of the initialize method.
if (settings.connection) {
this.connection = settings.connection;
var updateSettings = function (settings) {
/* Helper method which gets put on the plugin and allows it to
* add more user-facing config settings to converse.js.
_.extend(converse.default_settings, settings);
_.extend(converse, settings);
_.extend(converse, _.pick(converse.user_settings, Object.keys(settings)));
'updateSettings': updateSettings,
'converse': converse
}).then(function () {
return converse;
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
var $ = converse_api.env.jQuery,
_ = converse_api.env._;
converse_api.plugins.add('dragresize', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-dragresize', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
return true;
converse_api.plugins.add('headline', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-headline', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
Strophe.addNamespace('RSM', '');
converse_api.plugins.add('mam', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-mam', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
utils = converse_api.env.utils,
__ = utils.__.bind(converse);
converse_api.plugins.add('minimize', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-minimize', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
], factory);
}(this, function (converse, converse_api) {
"use strict";
......@@ -43,7 +42,17 @@
Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_ROOMCONF', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#roomconfig");
Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_USER', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#user");
converse_api.plugins.add('muc', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
/* Optional dependencies are require.js dependencies which might be
* overridden or relied upon if they exist, but otherwise ignored.
* However, if the setting "strict_plugin_dependencies" is set to true,
* then these dependencies will be considered required.
* Optional dependencies will be available in the initialize method as
* a the "optional_dependencies" attribute of the plugin.
optional_dependencies: ["converse-controlbox"],
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
var supports_html5_notification = "Notification" in window;
converse_api.plugins.add('notification', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-notification', {
initialize: function () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
converse_api.plugins.add('otr', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-otr', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
// Other necessary globals
var _ = converse_api.env._;
converse_api.plugins.add('ping', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-ping', {
initialize: function () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
* ____ __ __ __ _
* / __ \/ /_ __ ___ ___ ____ _/ /_ / /__ (_)____
* / /_/ / / / / / __ \/ __ \/ __/ / __ \/ / _ \ / / ___/
* / ____/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / (__ )
* /_/ /_/\__,_/\__, /\__, /\__/_/_.___/_/\___(_)_/ /____/
* /____//____/ /___/
(function (root, factory) {
define("converse-pluggable", ["jquery", "underscore"], factory);
}(this, function ($, _) {
"use strict";
function Pluggable (plugged) {
this.plugged = plugged;
this.plugged._super = {};
this.plugins = {};
this.initialized_plugins = [];
_.extend(Pluggable.prototype, {
wrappedOverride: function (key, value, super_method) {
/* We create a partially applied wrapper function, that
* makes sure to set the proper super method when the
* overriding method is called. This is done to enable
* chaining of plugin methods, all the way up to the
* original method.
if (typeof super_method === "function") {
this._super[key] = super_method.bind(this);
return value.apply(this,, 3));
_overrideAttribute: function (key, plugin) {
/* Overrides an attribute on the original object (the thing being
* plugged into).
* If the attribute being overridden is a function, then the original
* function will still be available via the _super attribute.
* If the same function is being overridden multiple times, then
* the original function will be available at the end of a chain of
* functions, starting from the most recent override, all the way
* back to the original function, each being referenced by the
* previous' _super attribute.
* For example:
* plugin2.MyFunc._super.myFunc => * plugin1.MyFunc._super.myFunc => original.myFunc
var value = plugin.overrides[key];
if (typeof value === "function") {
var wrapped_function = _.partial(
this.wrappedOverride, key, value, this.plugged[key]
this.plugged[key] = wrapped_function;
} else {
this.plugged[key] = value;
_extendObject: function (obj, attributes) {
if (!obj.prototype._super) {
// FIXME: make generic
obj.prototype._super = {'converse': this.plugged };
_.each(attributes, function (value, key) {
if (key === 'events') {
obj.prototype[key] = _.extend(value, obj.prototype[key]);
} else if (typeof value === 'function') {
// We create a partially applied wrapper function, that
// makes sure to set the proper super method when the
// overriding method is called. This is done to enable
// chaining of plugin methods, all the way up to the
// original method.
var wrapped_function = _.partial(
this.wrappedOverride, key, value, obj.prototype[key]
obj.prototype[key] = wrapped_function;
} else {
obj.prototype[key] = value;
setOptionalDependencies: function (plugin, dependencies) {
plugin.optional_dependencies = dependencies;
return plugin;
loadOptionalDependencies: function (plugins) {
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
function () {
_.each(plugins, function (name) {
var plugin = this.plugins[name];
if (plugin) {
deferred.resolve.bind(this, plugins)
function () {
if (this.plugged.strict_plugin_dependencies) {, arguments);
} else {
deferred.resolve.apply(this, [plugins]);
return deferred.promise();
throwUndefinedDependencyError: function (msg) {
if (this.plugged.strict_plugin_dependencies) {
throw msg;
} else {
applyOverrides: function (plugin) {
_.each(Object.keys(plugin.overrides || {}), function (key) {
/* We automatically override all methods and Backbone views and
* models that are in the "overrides" namespace.
var override = plugin.overrides[key];
if (typeof override === "object") {
if (typeof this.plugged[key] === 'undefined') {
this.throwUndefinedDependencyError("Error: Plugin \""+plugin.__name__+"\" tried to override "+key+" but it's not found.");
} else {
this._extendObject(this.plugged[key], override);
} else {
this._overrideAttribute(key, plugin);
_initializePlugin: function (plugin) {
if (typeof plugin.initialize === "function") {
asyncInitializePlugin: function (plugin) {
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
_.partial(this.setOptionalDependencies, plugin)
return deferred.promise();
initializePlugin: function (plugin) {
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
if (_.contains(this.initialized_plugins, plugin.__name__)) {
// Don't initialize plugins twice, otherwise we get
// infinite recursion in overridden methods.
return deferred.resolve().promise();
if (plugin.optional_dependencies) {
} else {
return deferred.promise();
initNextPlugin: function (remaining, deferred) {
if (remaining.length === 0) {
var plugin = remaining.pop();
this.initNextPlugin.bind(this, remaining, deferred));
initializePlugins: function (properties) {
/* The properties variable is an object of attributes and methods
* which will be attached to the plugins.
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
if (!_.size(this.plugins)) {
return deferred.promise();
} = properties;
this.initNextPlugin(_.values(this.plugins).reverse(), deferred);
return deferred;
return {
'enable': function (object) {
/* Call this method to make an object pluggable */
return _.extend(object, {'pluggable': new Pluggable(object)});
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
Strophe.Status.CONFLICT = i + 3;
Strophe.Status.NOTACCEPTABLE = i + 5;
converse_api.plugins.add('register', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-register', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
moment = converse_api.env.moment;
converse_api.plugins.add('vcard', {
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-vcard', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
......@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@
return str;
isOTRMessage: function (message) {
var $body = $(message).children('body'),
text = ($body.length > 0 ? $body.text() : undefined);
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