Commit 62ef18a0 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

muc_fetch_members now accepts an array of affiliations

parent 590a8862
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
## 7.0.0 (Unreleased)
- [muc_fetch_members]( now also accepts an array of affiliations to fetch.
- Replace Backbone with [Skeletor](
- Start using [lit-html]( instead of lodash for templating.
- Bugfix. Handle stanza that clears the MUC subject
......@@ -1079,6 +1079,8 @@ muc_fetch_members
* Default: ``true``
* Possible values: Array containing any of the following: ``['member', 'admin', 'owner']``
Determines whether Converse.js will fetch the member lists for a MUC
(multi-user chat) when the user first enters it.
......@@ -1091,8 +1093,7 @@ The member lists consists of three lists of users who have the affiliations
``member``, ``admin`` and ``owner`` respectively.
By fetching member lists, Converse.js will always show these users as
participants of the MUC, which makes it behave a bit more like modern chat
participants of the MUC, giving them a permanent "presence" in the MUC.
......@@ -362,12 +362,11 @@
['rosterGroupsFetched'], {'muc_fetch_members': true},
async function (done, _converse) {
const sent_IQs = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
let sent_IQs = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
const muc_jid = 'lounge@montague.lit';
spyOn(_converse.ChatRoomOccupants.prototype, 'fetchMembers').and.callThrough();
await test_utils.openAndEnterChatRoom(_converse, muc_jid, 'romeo');
let view = _converse.chatboxviews.get(muc_jid);
expect(sent_IQs.filter(iq => iq.querySelector('query item[affiliation]')).length).toBe(3);
// Check in reverse order that we requested all three lists
const owner_iq = sent_IQs.pop();
......@@ -387,11 +386,33 @@
`<iq id="${member_iq.getAttribute('id')}" to="${muc_jid}" type="get" xmlns="jabber:client">`+
`<query xmlns=""><item affiliation="member"/></query>`+
_converse.connection.IQ_stanzas = [];
sent_IQs = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
_converse.muc_fetch_members = false;
await test_utils.openAndEnterChatRoom(_converse, 'orchard@montague.lit', 'romeo');
view = _converse.chatboxviews.get('orchard@montague.lit');
expect(sent_IQs.filter(iq => iq.querySelector('query item[affiliation]')).length).toBe(0);
await view.close();
_converse.connection.IQ_stanzas = [];
sent_IQs = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
_converse.muc_fetch_members = ['admin'];
await test_utils.openAndEnterChatRoom(_converse, 'courtyard@montague.lit', 'romeo');
view = _converse.chatboxviews.get('courtyard@montague.lit');
expect(sent_IQs.filter(iq => iq.querySelector('query item[affiliation]')).length).toBe(1);
expect(sent_IQs.filter(iq => iq.querySelector('query item[affiliation="admin"]')).length).toBe(1);
_converse.connection.IQ_stanzas = [];
sent_IQs = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
_converse.muc_fetch_members = ['owner'];
await test_utils.openAndEnterChatRoom(_converse, 'garden@montague.lit', 'romeo');
view = _converse.chatboxviews.get('garden@montague.lit');
expect(sent_IQs.filter(iq => iq.querySelector('query item[affiliation]')).length).toBe(1);
expect(sent_IQs.filter(iq => iq.querySelector('query item[affiliation="owner"]')).length).toBe(1);
......@@ -460,9 +460,7 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
async onConnectionStatusChanged () {
if (this.session.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED) {
if (_converse.muc_fetch_members) {
await this.occupants.fetchMembers();
await this.occupants.fetchMembers();
await this.fetchMessages();
await this.clearMessageQueue();
......@@ -1339,9 +1337,7 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
const aff_lists = await Promise.all( => this.getAffiliationList(a)));
const old_members = aff_lists.reduce((acc, val) => (u.isErrorObject(val) ? acc: [...val, ...acc]), []);
await this.setAffiliations(muc_utils.computeAffiliationsDelta(true, false, members, old_members));
if (_converse.muc_fetch_members) {
return this.occupants.fetchMembers();
await this.occupants.fetchMembers();
......@@ -2228,7 +2224,11 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
async fetchMembers () {
const all_affiliations = ['member', 'admin', 'owner'];
const affs = _converse.muc_fetch_members;
const all_affiliations = Array.isArray(affs) ? affs : (affs ? ['member', 'admin', 'owner'] : []);
if (affs.length === 0) {
const aff_lists = await Promise.all( => this.chatroom.getAffiliationList(a)));
const new_members = aff_lists.reduce((acc, val) => (u.isErrorObject(val) ? acc : [...val, ...acc]), []);
const known_affiliations = all_affiliations.filter(a => !u.isErrorObject(aff_lists[all_affiliations.indexOf(a)]));
......@@ -204,6 +204,9 @@
utils.returnMemberLists = async function (_converse, muc_jid, members=[], affiliations=['member', 'owner', 'admin']) {
if (affiliations.length === 0) {
const stanzas = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
if (affiliations.includes('member')) {
......@@ -302,9 +305,10 @@
await room_creation_promise;
const view = _converse.chatboxviews.get(muc_jid);
await u.waitUntil(() => (view.model.session.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED));
if (_converse.muc_fetch_members) {
await utils.returnMemberLists(_converse, muc_jid, members);
const affs = _converse.muc_fetch_members;
const all_affiliations = Array.isArray(affs) ? affs : (affs ? ['member', 'admin', 'owner'] : []);
await utils.returnMemberLists(_converse, muc_jid, members, all_affiliations);
await view.model.messages.fetched;
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