Commit 67266b2d authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Experimenting with making the chatboxes resizable.

parent 97774064
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<meta charset='utf-8' />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1" />
<meta name="description" content="Converse.js: Open Source Browser-Based Instant Messaging" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="stylesheets/stylesheet.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="converse.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dragresize/dragresize.css">
<script data-main="main" src="components/requirejs/require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dragresize/dragresize.js"></script>
<title>Converse.js Drag/Resize Demo</title>
<style type="text/css">
/* converse.css overrides */
#chatpanel {
height: 320px;
.chatbox {
height: 100%;
.chat-content {
box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: -webkit-calc(100% - 125px);
height: -moz-calc(100% - 125px);
height: -o-calc(100% - 125px);
height: calc(100% - 125px);
div#login-dialog {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
form.sendXMPPMessage {
width: 100%;
<script type="text/javascript">
// Using DragResize is simple!
// You first declare a new DragResize() object, passing its own name and an object
// whose keys constitute optional parameters/settings:
var dragresize = new DragResize('dragresize',
{ minWidth: 50, minHeight: 50, minLeft: 20, minTop: 20, maxLeft: 600, maxTop: 600 });
// Optional settings/properties of the DragResize object are:
// enabled: Toggle whether the object is active.
// handles[]: An array of drag handles to use (see the .JS file).
// minWidth, minHeight: Minimum size to which elements are resized (in pixels).
// minLeft, maxLeft, minTop, maxTop: Bounding box (in pixels).
// Next, you must define two functions, isElement and isHandle. These are passed
// a given DOM element, and must "return true" if the element in question is a
// draggable element or draggable handle. Here, I'm checking for the CSS classname
// of the elements, but you have have any combination of conditions you like:
dragresize.isElement = function(elm) {
if (elm.className && elm.className.indexOf('drsElement') > -1) return true;
dragresize.isHandle = function(elm) {
if (elm.className && elm.className.indexOf('drsMoveHandle') > -1) return true;
// You can define optional functions that are called as elements are dragged/resized.
// Some are passed true if the source event was a resize, or false if it's a drag.
// The focus/blur events are called as handles are added/removed from an object,
// and the others are called as users drag, move and release the object's handles.
// You might use these to examine the properties of the DragResize object to sync
// other page elements, etc.
dragresize.ondragfocus = function() { };
dragresize.ondragstart = function(isResize) { };
dragresize.ondragmove = function(isResize) { };
dragresize.ondragend = function(isResize) { };
dragresize.ondragblur = function() { };
// Finally, you must apply() your DragResize object to a DOM node; all children of this
// node will then be made draggable. Here, I'm applying to the entire document.
<!-- HEADER -->
<div id="header_wrap" class="outer">
<header class="inner">
<h1 id="project_title"><a href="">Converse.js</a></h1>
<h2 id="project_tagline">Drag and drop</h2>
<div id="chatpanel" class="drsElement" style="width: 100%;">
<div id="controlbox" class="chatbox drsElement" style="opacity: 1; display: inline;">
<div class="chat-head oc-chat-head drsMoveHandle">
<ul id="controlbox-tabs">
<li><a class="current" href="#login">Sign in</a></li>
<a class="close-chatbox-button icon-close"></a></div>
<div class="controlbox-panes">
<div id="login-dialog">
<form id="converse-login">
<label>XMPP/Jabber Username:</label><input type="text" id="jid">
<label>Password:</label><input type="password" id="password">
<input class="login-submit" type="submit" value="Log In">
<div class="chatbox drsElement" id="37c0c87392010303765fe36b05c0967d62c6b70f" style="opacity: 1; display: inline-block;">
<div class="chat-head chat-head-chatbox drsMoveHandle">
<a class="close-chatbox-button icon-close"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="user">
<canvas height="33px" width="33px" class="avatar" style="background-color: black"></canvas>
<div class="chat-title"> JC Brand </div>
<p class="user-custom-message" title="10000ft in the air">10000ft in the air</p>
<div class="chat-content">
<div class="chat-info"><strong>/help</strong>:Show this menu</div>
<div class="chat-info"><strong>/me</strong>:Write in the third person</div>
<div class="chat-message">
<span class="chat-message-me">09:35 me:&nbsp;</span>
<span class="chat-message-content">Hello world</span>
<div class="chat-message ">
<span class="chat-message-them">19:25 Benedict-John:&nbsp;</span>
<span class="chat-message-content">Dagsê</span>
<div class="chat-message">
<span class="chat-message-me">19:39 me:&nbsp;</span>
<span class="chat-message-content">This is a relatively long message to check that wrapping works as expected.</span>
<div class="chat-message">
<span class="chat-message-me">19:42 me:&nbsp;</span>
<span class="chat-message-content">Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousstillnotlongenough</span>
<div class="chat-event">JC Brand is busy</div>
<div class="chat-message ">
<span class="chat-message-me">19:43 me:&nbsp;</span>
<span class="chat-message-content">Another message to check that scrolling works.</span>
<form class="sendXMPPMessage" action="" method="post">
<ul class="chat-toolbar no-text-select">
<li class="icon-happy" title="Insert a smilery"></li>
<li class="icon-camera-2" title="Enable video chat"></li>
<li class="icon-newspaper" title="Fetch and show this user's vCard"></li>
<li class="toggle-otr not-private" title="Turn on 'off-the-record' chat encryption">
<span class="chat-toolbar-text">Not private</span>
<span class="icon-unlocked"></span>
<li><a href="#">Start private conversation</a></li>
<li><a href="#">End private conversation</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Authenticate buddy</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">What's this?</a></li>
<textarea type="text" class="chat-textarea" placeholder="Personal message"></textarea>
/* Required CSS classes: must be included in all pages using this script */
/* Apply the element you want to drag/resize */
.drsElement {
position: relative;
The main mouse handle that moves the whole element.
You can apply to the same tag as drsElement if you want.
.drsMoveHandle {
cursor: move;
The DragResize object name is automatically applied to all generated
corner resize handles, as well as one of the individual classes below.
.dragresize {
position: absolute;
width: 5px;
height: 5px;
font-size: 1px;
background: #EEE;
border: 1px solid #333;
Individual corner classes - required for resize support.
These are based on the object name plus the handle ID.
.dragresize-tl {
top: -8px;
left: -8px;
cursor: nw-resize;
.dragresize-tm {
top: -8px;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -4px;
cursor: n-resize;
.dragresize-tr {
top: -8px;
right: -8px;
cursor: ne-resize;
.dragresize-ml {
top: 50%;
margin-top: -4px;
left: -8px;
cursor: w-resize;
.dragresize-mr {
top: 50%;
margin-top: -4px;
right: -8px;
cursor: e-resize;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Div Drag/Resize Demo</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dragresize.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
/* Required CSS classes: must be included in all pages using this script */
/* Apply the element you want to drag/resize */
.drsElement {
position: absolute;
border: 1px solid #333;
The main mouse handle that moves the whole element.
You can apply to the same tag as drsElement if you want.
.drsMoveHandle {
height: 20px;
background-color: #CCC;
border-bottom: 1px solid #666;
cursor: move;
The DragResize object name is automatically applied to all generated
corner resize handles, as well as one of the individual classes below.
.dragresize {
position: absolute;
width: 5px;
height: 5px;
font-size: 1px;
background: #EEE;
border: 1px solid #333;
Individual corner classes - required for resize support.
These are based on the object name plus the handle ID.
.dragresize-tl {
top: -8px;
left: -8px;
cursor: nw-resize;
.dragresize-tm {
top: -8px;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -4px;
cursor: n-resize;
.dragresize-tr {
top: -8px;
right: -8px;
cursor: ne-resize;
.dragresize-ml {
top: 50%;
margin-top: -4px;
left: -8px;
cursor: w-resize;
.dragresize-mr {
top: 50%;
margin-top: -4px;
right: -8px;
cursor: e-resize;
.dragresize-bl {
bottom: -8px;
left: -8px;
cursor: sw-resize;
.dragresize-bm {
bottom: -8px;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -4px;
cursor: s-resize;
.dragresize-br {
bottom: -8px;
right: -8px;
cursor: se-resize;
<script type="text/javascript">
// Using DragResize is simple!
// You first declare a new DragResize() object, passing its own name and an object
// whose keys constitute optional parameters/settings:
var dragresize = new DragResize('dragresize',
{ minWidth: 50, minHeight: 50, minLeft: 20, minTop: 20, maxLeft: 600, maxTop: 600 });
// Optional settings/properties of the DragResize object are:
// enabled: Toggle whether the object is active.
// handles[]: An array of drag handles to use (see the .JS file).
// minWidth, minHeight: Minimum size to which elements are resized (in pixels).
// minLeft, maxLeft, minTop, maxTop: Bounding box (in pixels).
// Next, you must define two functions, isElement and isHandle. These are passed
// a given DOM element, and must "return true" if the element in question is a
// draggable element or draggable handle. Here, I'm checking for the CSS classname
// of the elements, but you have have any combination of conditions you like:
dragresize.isElement = function(elm)
if (elm.className && elm.className.indexOf('drsElement') > -1) return true;
dragresize.isHandle = function(elm)
if (elm.className && elm.className.indexOf('drsMoveHandle') > -1) return true;
// You can define optional functions that are called as elements are dragged/resized.
// Some are passed true if the source event was a resize, or false if it's a drag.
// The focus/blur events are called as handles are added/removed from an object,
// and the others are called as users drag, move and release the object's handles.
// You might use these to examine the properties of the DragResize object to sync
// other page elements, etc.
dragresize.ondragfocus = function() { };
dragresize.ondragstart = function(isResize) { };
dragresize.ondragmove = function(isResize) { };
dragresize.ondragend = function(isResize) { };
dragresize.ondragblur = function() { };
// Finally, you must apply() your DragResize object to a DOM node; all children of this
// node will then be made draggable. Here, I'm applying to the entire document.
<body style="font: 13px/20px sans-serif; background-color: #FFF">
<div style="text-align: center">
<h1 style="font: 32px/48px sans-serif">DragResize v1.0</h1>
by Angus Turnbull - <a href=""></a>.
Updated: 27 June 2006.
<hr />
Here's our draggable elements.
All that's required is that they have a relative or absolute CSS 'position',
and are matched by the isElement/isHandle methods of a DragResize object.
<div class="drsElement"
style="left: 50px; top: 150px; width: 250px; height: 120px;
background: #CDF; text-align: center">
<div class="drsMoveHandle">Div 0</div>
<div class="drsElement"
style="left: 20px; top: 300px; width: 150px; height: 200px;
background: #FDC; text-align: center">
<div class="drsMoveHandle">Div 1</div>
<div class="drsElement drsMoveHandle"
style="left: 150px; top: 280px; width: 50px; height: 100px;
background: #DFC; text-align: center">
Div 2
<div style="margin-top: 400px"><!-- spacer --></div>
<p>This is a JavaScript library that lets you easily implement user-friendly
and customisable dragging and resizing of your page elements. You might want to
use it as part of a web application -- it contains all you need for a
lightweight "windowing" system. Features include:</p>
<li><strong>Can both drag and resize</strong> page elements.</li>
<li><strong>Works with absolute and relatively positioned</strong> elements
in your page.</li>
<li><strong>Customisable appearance</strong> as it makes extensive use of CSS
classes for layout of its resisze handles.</li>
<li><strong>Unobtrusive, Object-Orientated JavaScript</strong> means it's easy
to add to your pages.</li>
<li><strong>Bounding boxes and minimum sizes</strong> can be set and
automatically enforced.</li>
<li><strong>Cross-browser compatible</strong> so it works for everyone.</li>
<li><strong>Small code size</strong> so your visitors don't have to wait!</li>
<div style="border: 2px solid red; background: #FFF0F0; padding: 0pt 10pt 0pt 10pt">
<h4>Script License Agreement</h4>
<p>DragResize &copy; 2005-2006 Angus Turnbull, TwinHelix Designs
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>Licensed under the
<a href="">CC-GNU LGPL,
version 2.1 or later</a>.</p>
<p>This is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
<p>I hope you find it handy!
It's free for you to use and distribute, as long as you retain the license and
copyright as per the LGPL.
If you like this and/or my other scripts, you're more than welcome to
<a href="">make a donation</a>.
See the source for more details and instructions.</p>
<p>Note: DragResize was conceived initially as part of my work on the
<a href="">Fotonotes DHTML Client</a>.</p>
<p><em>Good luck - Angus.</em></p>
DragResize v1.0
(c) 2005-2006 Angus Turnbull, TwinHelix Designs
Licensed under the CC-GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later:
This is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
if(typeof addEvent!='function'){var addEvent=function(o,t,f,l){var d='addEventListener',n='on'+t,rO=o,rT=t,rF=f,rL=l;if(o[d]&&!l)return o[d](t,f,false);if(!o._evts)o._evts={};if(!o._evts[t]){o._evts[t]=o[n]?{b:o[n]}:{};o[n]=new Function('e','var r=true,o=this,a=o._evts["'+t+'"],i;for(i in a){o._f=a[i];r=o._f(e||window.event)!=false&&r;o._f=null}return r');if(t!='unload')addEvent(window,'unload',function(){removeEvent(rO,rT,rF,rL)})}if(!f._i)f._i=addEvent._i++;o._evts[t][f._i]=f};addEvent._i=1;var removeEvent=function(o,t,f,l){var d='removeEventListener';if(o[d]&&!l)return o[d](t,f,false);if(o._evts&&o._evts[t]&&f._i)delete o._evts[t][f._i]}}function cancelEvent(e,c){e.returnValue=false;if(e.preventDefault)e.preventDefault();if(c){e.cancelBubble=true;if(e.stopPropagation)e.stopPropagation()}};function DragResize(myName,config){var props={myName:myName,enabled:true,handles:['tl','tm','tr','ml','mr','bl','bm','br'],isElement:null,isHandle:null,element:null,handle:null,minWidth:10,minHeight:10,minLeft:0,maxLeft:9999,minTop:0,maxTop:9999,zIndex:1,mouseX:0,mouseY:0,lastMouseX:0,lastMouseY:0,mOffX:0,mOffY:0,elmX:0,elmY:0,elmW:0,elmH:0,allowBlur:true,ondragfocus:null,ondragstart:null,ondragmove:null,ondragend:null,ondragblur:null};for(var p in props)this[p]=(typeof config[p]=='undefined')?props[p]:config[p]};DragResize.prototype.apply=function(node){var obj=this;addEvent(node,'mousedown',function(e){obj.mouseDown(e)});addEvent(node,'mousemove',function(e){obj.mouseMove(e)});addEvent(node,'mouseup',function(e){obj.mouseUp(e)})};{with(this){if(!document.getElementById||!enabled)return;if(newElement&&(newElement!=element)&&enabled){element=newElement;;if(this.resizeHandleSet)this.resizeHandleSet(element,true);elmX=parseInt(;elmY=parseInt(;elmW=element.offsetWidth;elmH=element.offsetHeight;if(ondragfocus)this.ondragfocus()}}};DragResize.prototype.deselect=function(delHandles){with(this){if(!document.getElementById||!enabled)return;if(delHandles){if(ondragblur)this.ondragblur();if(this.resizeHandleSet)this.resizeHandleSet(element,false);element=null}handle=null;mOffX=0;mOffY=0}};DragResize.prototype.mouseDown=function(e){with(this){if(!document.getElementById||!enabled)return true;var||e.srcElement,newElement=null,newHandle=null,hRE=new RegExp(myName+'-([trmbl]{2})','');while(elm){if(elm.className){if(!newHandle&&(hRE.test(elm.className)||isHandle(elm)))newHandle=elm;if(isElement(elm)){newElement=elm;break}}elm=elm.parentNode}if(element&&(element!=newElement)&&allowBlur)deselect(true);if(newElement&&(!element||(newElement==element))){if(newHandle)cancelEvent(e);select(newElement,newHandle);handle=newHandle;if(handle&&ondragstart)this.ondragstart(hRE.test(handle.className))}}};DragResize.prototype.mouseMove=function(e){with(this){if(!document.getElementById||!enabled)return true;mouseX=e.pageX||e.clientX+document.documentElement.scrollLeft;mouseY=e.pageY||e.clientY+document.documentElement.scrollTop;var diffX=mouseX-lastMouseX+mOffX;var diffY=mouseY-lastMouseY+mOffY;mOffX=mOffY=0;lastMouseX=mouseX;lastMouseY=mouseY;if(!handle)return true;var isResize=false;if(this.resizeHandleDrag&&this.resizeHandleDrag(diffX,diffY)){isResize=true}else{var dX=diffX,dY=diffY;if(elmX+dX<minLeft)mOffX=(dX-(diffX=minLeft-elmX));else if(elmX+elmW+dX>maxLeft)mOffX=(dX-(diffX=maxLeft-elmX-elmW));if(elmY+dY<minTop)mOffY=(dY-(diffY=minTop-elmY));else if(elmY+elmH+dY>maxTop)mOffY=(dY-(diffY=maxTop-elmY-elmH));elmX+=diffX;elmY+=diffY}with({left=elmX+'px';width=elmW+'px';top=elmY+'px';height=elmH+'px'}if(window.opera&&document.documentElement){var oDF=document.getElementById('op-drag-fix');if(!oDF){var oDF=document.createElement('input');'op-drag-fix';'none';document.body.appendChild(oDF)}oDF.focus()}if(ondragmove)this.ondragmove(isResize);cancelEvent(e)}};DragResize.prototype.mouseUp=function(e){with(this){if(!document.getElementById||!enabled)return;var hRE=new RegExp(myName+'-([trmbl]{2})','');if(handle&&ondragend)this.ondragend(hRE.test(handle.className));deselect(false)}};DragResize.prototype.resizeHandleSet=function(elm,show){with(this){if(!elm._handle_tr){for(var h=0;h<handles.length;h++){var hDiv=document.createElement('div');hDiv.className=myName+' '+myName+'-'+handles[h];elm['_handle_'+handles[h]]=elm.appendChild(hDiv)}}for(var h=0;h<handles.length;h++){elm['_handle_'+handles[h]].style.visibility=show?'inherit':'hidden'}}};DragResize.prototype.resizeHandleDrag=function(diffX,diffY){with(this){var hClass=handle&&handle.className&&handle.className.match(new RegExp(myName+'-([tmblr]{2})'))?RegExp.$1:'';var dY=diffY,dX=diffX,processed=false;if(hClass.indexOf('t')>=0){rs=1;if(elmH-dY<minHeight)mOffY=(dY-(diffY=elmH-minHeight));else if(elmY+dY<minTop)mOffY=(dY-(diffY=minTop-elmY));elmY+=diffY;elmH-=diffY;processed=true}if(hClass.indexOf('b')>=0){rs=1;if(elmH+dY<minHeight)mOffY=(dY-(diffY=minHeight-elmH));else if(elmY+elmH+dY>maxTop)mOffY=(dY-(diffY=maxTop-elmY-elmH));elmH+=diffY;processed=true}if(hClass.indexOf('l')>=0){rs=1;if(elmW-dX<minWidth)mOffX=(dX-(diffX=elmW-minWidth));else if(elmX+dX<minLeft)mOffX=(dX-(diffX=minLeft-elmX));elmX+=diffX;elmW-=diffX;processed=true}if(hClass.indexOf('r')>=0){rs=1;if(elmW+dX<minWidth)mOffX=(dX-(diffX=minWidth-elmW));else if(elmX+elmW+dX>maxLeft)mOffX=(dX-(diffX=maxLeft-elmX-elmW));elmW+=diffX;processed=true}return processed}};
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