Commit 69de033c authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Write documentation for the archive API. Also add another test.

update #306
parent dca0472e
......@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ directory:
On Windows you need to specify to be used by running: ::
make -f dev
Or alternatively, if you don't have GNU Make:
npm install
bower update
This will first install the Node.js development tools (like Grunt and Bower)
and then use Bower to install all of Converse.js's front-end dependencies.
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Please read the `style guide </docs/html/style_guide.html>`_ and make sure that
Add tests for your bugfix or feature
Add a test for any bug fixed or feature added. We use Jasmine
for testing.
for testing.
Take a look at `tests.html <>`_
and the `spec files <>`_
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Developer API
Earlier versions of Converse.js might have different API methods or none at all.
In the Converse.js API, you traverse towards a logical grouping, from
which you can then call certain standardised accessors and mutators, like::
which you can then call certain standardised accessors and mutators, such as::
......@@ -202,6 +202,139 @@ Example:
roster_groups: true
The "archive" grouping
Converse.js supports the *Message Archive Management*
(`XEP-0313 <>`_) protocol,
through which it is able to query an XMPP server for archived messages.
The ``query`` method is used to query for archived messages.
It accepts the following optional parameters:
* **options** an object containing the query parameters. Valid query parameters
are ``with``, ``start``, ``end``, ``first``, ``last``, ``after``, ``before``, ``index`` and ``count``.
* **callback** is the callback method that will be called when all the messages
have been received.
* **errback** is the callback method to be called when an error is returned by
the XMPP server, for example when it doesn't support message archiving.
**Requesting all archived messages**
The simplest query that can be made is to simply not pass in any parameters.
Such a query will return all archived messages for the current user.
Generally, you'll however always want to pass in a callback method, to receive
the returned messages.
.. code-block:: javascript
var errback = function (iq) {
// The query was not successful, perhaps inform the user?
// The IQ stanza returned by the XMPP server is passed in, so that you
// may inspect it and determine what the problem was.
var callback = function (messages) {
// Do something with the messages, like showing them in your webpage.
converse.archive.query(callback, errback))
**Requesting all archived messages for a particular contact or room**
To query for messages sent between the current user and another user or room,
the query options need to contain the the JID (Jabber ID) of the user or
room under the ``with`` key.
.. code-block:: javascript
// For a particular user
converse.archive.query({'with': ''}, callback, errback);)
// For a particular room
converse.archive.query({'with': ''}, callback, errback);)
**Requesting all archived messages before or after a certain date**
The ``start`` and ``end`` parameters are used to query for messages
within a certain timeframe. The passed in date values may either be ISO8601
formatted date strings, or Javascript Date objects.
.. code-block:: javascript
var options = {
'with': '',
'start': '2010-06-07T00:00:00Z',
'end': '2010-07-07T13:23:54Z'
converse.archive.query(options, callback, errback);
**Limiting the amount of messages returned**
The amount of returned messages may be limited with the ``max`` parameter.
By default, the messages are returned from oldest to newest.
.. code-block:: javascript
// Return maximum 10 archived messages
converse.archive.query({'with': '', 'max':10}, callback, errback);
**Paging forwards through a set of archived messages**
When limiting the amount of messages returned per query, you might want to
repeatedly make a further query to fetch the next batch of messages.
To simplify this usecase for you, the callback method receives not only an array
with the returned archived messages, but also a special RSM (*Result Set
Management*) object which contains the query parameters you passed in, as well
as two utility methods ``next``, and ``previous``.
When you call one of these utility methods on the returned RSM object, and then
pass the result into a new query, you'll receive the next or previous batch of
archived messages.
.. code-block:: javascript
var callback = function (messages, rsm) {
// Do something with the messages, like showing them in your webpage.
// ...
// You can now use the returned "rsm" object, to fetch the next batch of messages:
converse.archive.query(, callback, errback))
converse.archive.query({'with': '', 'max':10}, callback, errback);
**Paging backwards through a set of archived messages**
To page backwards through the archive, you need to know the UID of the message
which you'd like to page backwards from and then pass that as value for the
``before`` parameter. If you simply want to page backwards from the most recent
message, pass in the ``before`` parameter with a value of ``null``.
.. code-block:: javascript
converse.archive.query({'before': null, 'max':5}, function (message, rsm) {
// Do something with the messages, like showing them in your webpage.
// ...
// You can now use the returned "rsm" object, to fetch the previous batch of messages:
rsm.previous(); // Call previous method, to update the object
// parameters so that the previous batch of messages will be returned.
rsm.count = 10; // Increase the page size (currently it's set to 1,
// because that was what we specified in our last query.
// Now we query again, to get the previous batch.
converse.archive.query(rsm, callback, errback);
The "user" grouping
......@@ -213,7 +346,7 @@ logout
Log the user out of the current XMPP session.
.. code-block:: javascript
.. code-block:: javascript
......@@ -228,7 +361,7 @@ get
Return the current user's availability status:
.. code-block:: javascript
.. code-block:: javascript
converse.user.status.get(); // Returns for example "dnd"
......@@ -246,7 +379,7 @@ The user's status can be set to one of the following values:
For example:
.. code-block:: javascript
.. code-block:: javascript
......@@ -254,7 +387,7 @@ Because the user's availability is often set together with a custom status
message, this method also allows you to pass in a status message as a
second parameter:
.. code-block:: javascript
.. code-block:: javascript
converse.user.status.set('dnd', 'In a meeting');
......@@ -264,7 +397,7 @@ The "message" sub-grouping
The ``user.status.message`` sub-grouping exposes methods for setting and
retrieving the user's custom status message.
.. code-block:: javascript
.. code-block:: javascript
converse.user.status.message.set('In a meeting');
......@@ -344,7 +477,7 @@ Provide the JID of the contact you want to add:
.. code-block:: javascript
You may also provide the fullname. If not present, we use the jid as fullname:
.. code-block:: javascript
......@@ -663,7 +796,7 @@ An example plugin
}(this, function ($, strophe, utils, converse_api) {
// Wrap your UI strings with the __ function for translation support.
var __ = $.proxy(utils.__, this);
var __ = $.proxy(utils.__, this);
// Strophe methods for building stanzas
var Strophe = strophe.Strophe;
......@@ -227,6 +227,35 @@
Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset = getTimezoneOffset;
it("accepts \"before\" with an empty string as value to reverse the order", function () {
var sent_stanza, IQ_id;
var sendIQ = converse.connection.sendIQ;
spyOn(converse.connection, 'sendIQ').andCallFake(function (iq, callback, errback) {
sent_stanza = iq;
IQ_id = sendIQ.bind(this)(iq, callback, errback);
if (!converse.features.findWhere({'var': Strophe.NS.MAM})) {
converse.features.create({'var': Strophe.NS.MAM});
converse_api.archive.query({'before': '', 'max':10});
var queryid = $(sent_stanza.toString()).find('query').attr('queryid');
"<iq type='set' xmlns='jabber:client' id='"+IQ_id+"'>"+
"<query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0' queryid='"+queryid+"'>"+
"<x xmlns='jabber:x:data'>"+
"<field var='FORM_TYPE'>"+
"<set xmlns=''>"+
}, converse, mock, test_utils));
describe("The default preference", $.proxy(function (mock, test_utils) {
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