Commit 6fd4e84a authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Move authentication to single chapter

parent c6cd0281
......@@ -10,6 +10,77 @@ confirming their email they can contribute.
You can also completely disable registration using :setting:`REGISTRATION_OPEN`.
By default Weblate uses Django built-in user database. Thanks to this, you can
also import user database from other Django based projects (see
But Django can be configured to authenticate against other means as well.
Currently you have to register and confirm your email even when using other
authentication backend.
Third party authentication
Thanks python-social-auth, Weblate support authentication using many third
party services such as Facebook, GitHub, Google or Bitbucket.
Please check their documentation for generic configuration instructions:
.. note::
By default, Weblate relies on authentication services provide validated
email address, in case some of services you want to use do not support
this, please remove ``social.pipeline.social_auth.associate_by_email`` from
LDAP authentication
LDAP authentication can be best achieved using `django-auth-ldap` package. You
can install it by usual means:
.. code-block:: sh
# Using PyPI
pip install django-auth-ldap
# Using apt-get
apt-get install python-django-auth-ldap
Once you have the package installed, you can hook it to Django authentication:
.. code-block:: python
# Add LDAP backed, keep Django one if you want to be able to login
# even without LDAP for admin account
# LDAP server address
# DN to use for authentication
AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'cn=%(user)s,o=Example'
# Depending on your LDAP server, you might use different DN
# like:
# AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'
# List of attributes to import from LDAP on login
'first_name': 'givenName',
'last_name': 'sn',
'email': 'mail',
.. seealso::
.. _privileges:
Access control
......@@ -464,78 +464,6 @@ Additionally you will have to adjust :file:`weblate/`::
.. note:: This is supported since Weblate 1.3.
By default Weblate uses Django built-in user database. Thanks to this, you can
also import user database from other Django based projects (see
But Django can be configured to authenticate against other means as well.
Currently you have to register and confirm your email even when using other
authentication backend.
Third party authentication
Thanks python-social-auth, Weblate support authentication using many third
party services such as Facebook, GitHub, Google or Bitbucket.
Please check their documentation for generic configuration instructions:
.. note::
By default, Weblate relies on authentication services provide validated
email address, in case some of services you want to use do not support
this, please remove ``social.pipeline.social_auth.associate_by_email`` from
LDAP authentication
LDAP authentication can be best achieved using `django-auth-ldap` package. You
can install it by usual means:
.. code-block:: sh
# Using PyPI
pip install django-auth-ldap
# Using apt-get
apt-get install python-django-auth-ldap
Once you have the package installed, you can hook it to Django authentication:
.. code-block:: python
# Add LDAP backed, keep Django one if you want to be able to login
# even without LDAP for admin account
# LDAP server address
# DN to use for authentication
AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'cn=%(user)s,o=Example'
# Depending on your LDAP server, you might use different DN
# like:
# AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'
# List of attributes to import from LDAP on login
'first_name': 'givenName',
'last_name': 'sn',
'email': 'mail',
.. seealso::
.. _appliance:
Prebuilt appliance
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