Commit 72fd20fb authored by Vladimir Rusinov's avatar Vladimir Rusinov

Fix some PEP8 errors and typos.

parent 64ae77a5
......@@ -40,18 +40,18 @@ except ImportError:
def remove_accents(input_str):
Removes accents from a string.
nkfd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(input_str))
only_ascii = nkfd_form.encode('ASCII', 'ignore')
return only_ascii
class NoStripEmailField(forms.EmailField):
Email field which does no stripping.
def clean(self, value):
value = self.to_python(value)
# We call super-super method to skip default EmailField behavior
......@@ -28,65 +28,65 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PercentMixin(object):
Defines API to getting percentage status of translations.
_percents = None
def get_percents(self):
Returns percentages of translation status.
if self._percents is None:
self._percents = self._get_percents()
return self._percents
def _get_percents(self):
Returns percentages of translation status.
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_translated_percent(self):
Returns percent of translated strings.
return self.get_percents()[0]
def get_fuzzy_percent(self):
Returns percent of fuzzy strings.
return self.get_percents()[1]
def get_failing_checks_percent(self):
Returns percentage of failed checks.
return self.get_percents()[2]
class URLMixin(object):
Mixin providing standard shortcut API for few standard URLs
def _reverse_url_name(self):
Returns base name for URL reversing.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _reverse_url_kwargs(self):
Returns kwargs for URL reversing.
raise NotImplementedError()
def reverse_url(self, name=None):
Generic reverser for URL.
if name is None:
urlname = self._reverse_url_name()
......@@ -122,33 +122,33 @@ class URLMixin(object):
class PathMixin(object):
Mixin for path manipulations.
_dir_path = None
def _get_path(self):
Actual calculation of path.
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_path(self):
Return path to directory.
Caching is really necessary for linked project, otherwise
we end up fetching linked subproject again and again.
if self._dir_path is None:
self._dir_path = self._get_path()
return self._dir_path
def check_rename(self, old):
Detects slug changes and possibly renames underlaying directory.
logger.debug('check_rename: old slug is "%s", new is "%s"', old.slug,
if old.slug != self.slug:
......@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ class PathMixin(object):
os.rename(old_path, new_path)
def create_path(self):
Create filesystem directory for storing data
path = self.get_path()
if not os.path.exists(path):
......@@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ MERGE_CHOICES = (
class ProjectManager(models.Manager):
def all_acl(self, user):
Returns list of projects user is allowed to access.
return self.get_acl_status(user)[0]
def get_acl_status(self, user):
Returns list of projects user is allowed to access
and flag whether there is any filtering active.
projects = self.all()
project_ids = [ for project in projects if project.has_acl(user)
......@@ -187,16 +187,16 @@ class Project(models.Model, PercentMixin, URLMixin, PathMixin):
app_label = 'trans'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Constructor to initialize some cache properties.
super(Project, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def has_acl(self, user):
Checks whether current user is allowed to access this
if not self.enable_acl:
return True
......@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ class Project(models.Model, PercentMixin, URLMixin, PathMixin):
return user.has_perm('trans.weblate_acl_%s' % self.slug)
def check_acl(self, request):
Raises an error if user is not allowed to access this project.
if not self.has_acl(request.user):
......@@ -235,31 +235,31 @@ class Project(models.Model, PercentMixin, URLMixin, PathMixin):
def _reverse_url_name(self):
Returns base name for URL reversing.
return 'project'
def _reverse_url_kwargs(self):
Returns kwargs for URL reversing.
return {
'project': self.slug
def get_widgets_url(self):
Returns absolute URL for widgets.
return get_site_url(
reverse('widgets', kwargs={'project': self.slug})
def get_share_url(self):
Returns absolute URL usable for sharing.
return get_site_url(
reverse('engage', kwargs={'project': self.slug})
......@@ -316,31 +316,31 @@ class Project(models.Model, PercentMixin, URLMixin, PathMixin):
# pylint: disable=W0221
def _get_percents(self, lang=None):
Returns percentages of translation status.
# Import translations
from weblate.trans.models.translation import Translation
# Get prercents
# Get percents:
return Translation.objects.get_percents(project=self, language=lang)
# Arguments number differs from overridden method
# pylint: disable=W0221
def get_translated_percent(self, lang=None):
Returns percent of translated strings.
if lang is None:
return super(Project, self).get_translated_percent()
return self._get_percents(lang)[0]
def get_total(self):
Calculates total number of strings to translate. This is done based on
assumption that all languages have same number of strings.
from weblate.trans.models.translation import Translation
total = 0
for resource in self.subproject_set.all():
......@@ -351,23 +351,23 @@ class Project(models.Model, PercentMixin, URLMixin, PathMixin):
return total
def get_languages(self):
Returns list of all languages used in project.
return Language.objects.filter(
def get_language_count(self):
Returns number of languages used in this project.
return self.get_languages().count()
def git_needs_commit(self):
Checks whether there are some not committed changes.
for resource in self.subproject_set.all():
if resource.git_needs_commit():
return True
......@@ -386,52 +386,52 @@ class Project(models.Model, PercentMixin, URLMixin, PathMixin):
return False
def commit_pending(self, request):
Commits any pending changes.
for resource in self.subproject_set.all():
def do_update(self, request=None):
Updates all git repos.
ret = False
for resource in self.subproject_set.all():
ret &= resource.do_update(request)
return ret
def do_push(self, request=None):
Pushes all git repos.
ret = False
for resource in self.subproject_set.all():
ret |= resource.do_push(request)
return ret
def do_reset(self, request=None):
Pushes all git repos.
ret = False
for resource in self.subproject_set.all():
ret |= resource.do_reset(request)
return ret
def can_push(self):
Checks whether any suprojects can push.
ret = False
for resource in self.subproject_set.all():
ret |= resource.can_push()
return ret
def get_last_change(self):
Returns date of last change done in Weblate.
from weblate.trans.models.changes import Change
change = Change.objects.content().filter(
......@@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ class ProjectTest(RepoTestCase):
Project object testing.
def test_create(self):
project = self.create_project()
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