Commit 802f2b24 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

converse-muc: Update `sendConfiguration` to not take callbacks

parent d95a7987
......@@ -878,16 +878,14 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
* @param { HTMLElement } form - The configuration form DOM element.
* If no form is provided, the default configuration
* values will be used.
* @returns { promise }
* @returns { Promise<XMLElement> }
* Returns a promise which resolves once the XMPP server
* has return a response IQ.
saveConfiguration (form) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const inputs = form ? sizzle(':input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit])', form) : [],
configArray =, u.webForm2xForm);
this.sendConfiguration(configArray, resolve, reject);
const inputs = form ? sizzle(':input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit])', form) : [],
configArray =, u.webForm2xForm);
return this.sendConfiguration(configArray);
......@@ -926,26 +924,28 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
* 'roomconfig' data.
* @private
* @method _converse.ChatRoom#autoConfigureChatRoom
* @returns { promise }
* @returns { Promise<XMLElement> }
* Returns a promise which resolves once a response IQ has
* been received.
autoConfigureChatRoom () {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { /* eslint-disable-line no-async-promise-executor */
const stanza = await this.fetchRoomConfiguration();
const fields = sizzle('field', stanza);
const configArray = => this.addFieldValue(f))
if (configArray.length) {
this.sendConfiguration(configArray, resolve, reject);
async autoConfigureChatRoom () {
const stanza = await this.fetchRoomConfiguration();
const fields = sizzle('field', stanza);
const configArray = => this.addFieldValue(f))
if (configArray.length) {
return this.sendConfiguration(configArray);
* Send an IQ stanza to fetch the groupchat configuration data.
* Returns a promise which resolves once the response IQ
* has been received.
* @private
* @method _converse.ChatRoom#fetchRoomConfiguration
* @returns { Promise<XMLElement> }
fetchRoomConfiguration () {
/* Send an IQ stanza to fetch the groupchat configuration data.
* Returns a promise which resolves once the response IQ
* has been received.
return _converse.api.sendIQ(
$iq({'to': this.get('jid'), 'type': "get"})
.c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER})
......@@ -953,27 +953,19 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
* Send an IQ stanza with the groupchat configuration.
* Sends an IQ stanza with the groupchat configuration.
* @private
* @method _converse.ChatRoom#sendConfiguration
* @param { Array } config - The groupchat configuration
* @param { Function } callback - Callback upon succesful IQ response
* The first parameter passed in is IQ containing the
* groupchat configuration.
* The second is the response IQ from the server.
* @param { Function } errback - Callback upon error IQ response
* The first parameter passed in is IQ containing the
* groupchat configuration.
* The second is the response IQ from the server.
* @returns { Promise<XMLElement> } - A promise which resolves with
* the `result` stanza received from the XMPP server.
sendConfiguration (config=[], callback, errback) {
sendConfiguration (config=[]) {
const iq = $iq({to: this.get('jid'), type: "set"})
.c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER})
.c("x", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.XFORM, type: "submit"});
config.forEach(node => iq.cnode(node).up());
callback = _.isUndefined(callback) ? _.noop : _.partial(callback, iq.nodeTree);
errback = _.isUndefined(errback) ? _.noop : _.partial(errback, iq.nodeTree);
return _converse.api.sendIQ(iq).then(callback).catch(errback);
return _converse.api.sendIQ(iq);
......@@ -1138,7 +1130,7 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
* a string if only one affiliation.
* @param { function } deltaFunc - The function to compute the delta
* between old and new member lists.
* @returns { promise }
* @returns { Promise }
* A promise which is resolved once the list has been
* updated or once it's been established there's no need
* to update the list.
......@@ -1156,7 +1148,7 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
* nickname and if found, persist that to the model state.
* @private
* @method _converse.ChatRoom#getAndPersistNickname
* @returns { promise } A promise which resolves with the nickname
* @returns { Promise<string> } A promise which resolves with the nickname
async getAndPersistNickname (nick) {
nick = nick ||
......@@ -1176,7 +1168,7 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
* If so, we'll use that, otherwise we render the nickname form.
* @private
* @method _converse.ChatRoom#getReservedNick
* @returns { promise } A promise which resolves with the reserved nick or null
* @returns { Promise<string> } A promise which resolves with the reserved nick or null
async getReservedNick () {
let iq;
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