Commit 8de55ce6 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Updates #2087. Only initialize minimized chats once

(i.e. not on reconnection)
parent 99195ffd
......@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-minimize', {
/************************ BEGIN Event Handlers ************************/
api.listen.on('chatBoxInsertedIntoDOM', view => _converse.chatboxviews.trimChats(view));
api.listen.on('statusInitialized', () => initMinimizedChats());
api.listen.on('connected', () => initMinimizedChats());
api.listen.on('controlBoxOpened', view => _converse.chatboxviews.trimChats(view));
api.listen.on('chatBoxViewInitialized', v => v.listenTo(v.model, 'change:minimized', v.onMinimizedChanged));
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