Commit 9187c97e authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Simplify same string checking

Do not replace that many chars, just split the string by regexp matching
all of them.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMichal Čihař <>
parent ec0a3167
......@@ -785,6 +785,11 @@ TEMPLATE_RE = re.compile(r'{[a-z_-]+}')
RST_MATCH = re.compile(r'(?::ref:`[^`]+`|``[^`]+``)')
SPLIT_RE = re.compile(
ur'(?:\&(?:nbsp|rsaquo|lt|gt|amp|ldquo|rdquo|times|quot);|' +
ur'[() ,.^`"\'\\/_<>!?;:|{}*^@%#&~=+\r\n✓—\[\]0-9-])+'
def strip_format(msg, flags):
......@@ -833,63 +838,15 @@ def strip_string(msg, flags):
# Strip template markup
stripped = TEMPLATE_RE.sub('', stripped)
# Remove some html entities
stripped = stripped.replace(
'&nbsp;', ' '
'&rsaquo;', '"'
'&lt;', '<'
'&gt;', '>'
'&amp;', '&'
'&ldquo;', '"'
'&rdquo;', '"'
'&times;', '.'
'&quot;', '"'
# Cleanup trailing/leading chars
stripped = strip_chars(stripped)
# Replace punctation by whitespace for splitting
stripped = stripped.replace(
'_', ' '
'(', ' '
')', ' '
',', ' '
'\\', ' '
'/', ' '
return stripped
def strip_chars(word):
Strip chars not useful for translating.
return word.strip(
u' ,./<>?;\'\\:"|[]{}`~!@#$%^&*()-=_+0123456789\n\r✓—'
def test_word(word):
Test whether word should be ignored.
stripped = strip_chars(word)
return len(stripped) <= 1 or stripped in SAME_BLACKLIST
return len(word) <= 1 or word in SAME_BLACKLIST
class SameCheck(TargetCheck):
......@@ -929,7 +886,7 @@ class SameCheck(TargetCheck):
# Check if we have any word which is not in blacklist
# (words which are often same in foreign language)
result = min(
(test_word(word) for word in stripped.split())
(test_word(word) for word in SPLIT_RE.split(stripped))
# Store in cache
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