Commit a0d344c7 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Add better support for the results from a MAM query.

updates #306
parent 7437cf2b
......@@ -542,9 +542,43 @@
this.onMAMQueryResult = function (iq, queryid, callback) {
/* Handle the IQ stanza and potential message stanzas returned as
* a result of a MAM (XEP-0313) query.
* Parameters:
* (XMLElement) iq - The IQ stanza returned from the XMPP server.
* (String) queryid - A unique ID sent with the MAM query.
* (Function) callback - A function to call whenever we receive query-relevant stanza.
function (message) {
var rsm, $msg = $(message);
var $fin = $msg.find('fin[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]');
if ($fin.length) {
rsm = new Strophe.RSM({xml: $fin.find('set')[0]});
callback(message, rsm);
return false; // We've received all messages, decommission this handler
if (typeof callback == "function") {
if (queryid == $msg.find('result[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]').attr('queryid')) {
return true;
} else {
return false; // There's no callback, so no use in continuing this handler.
}, null, 'message');
if (typeof callback == "function") {
return callback.apply(arguments);
this.getVCard = function (jid, callback, errback) {
/* Request the VCard of another user.
* Parameters:
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user whose VCard is being requested.
* (Function) callback - A function to call once the VCard is returned
* (Function) errback - A function to call if an error occured
......@@ -6128,7 +6162,8 @@
if (!converse.features.findWhere({'var': Strophe.NS.MAM})) {
throw new Error('This server does not support XEP-0313, Message Archive Management');
var stanza = $iq({'type':'set'}).c('query', {'xmlns':Strophe.NS.MAM, 'queryid':converse.connection.getUniqueId()});
var queryid = converse.connection.getUniqueId();
var stanza = $iq({'type':'set'}).c('query', {'xmlns':Strophe.NS.MAM, 'queryid':queryid});
if (typeof options != "undefined") {
stanza.c('x', {'xmlns':'jabber:x:data'})
.c('field', {'var':'FORM_TYPE'})
......@@ -6152,11 +6187,7 @@
stanza.cnode(new Strophe.RSM(options).toXML());
converse.connection.sendIQ(stanza, function (iq) {
var rsm = new Strophe.RSM({xml: iq.getElementsByTagName('set')[0]});
return _.bind(callback, this, arguments)(rsm);
}, errback);
converse.connection.sendIQ(stanza, _.partial(converse.onMAMQueryResult, _, queryid, callback), errback);
'rooms': {
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