Commit a23b6440 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Bring back localization for datepicker

Now in our own file, so that we do not have to rewrite upstream sources.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMichal Čihař <>
parent 95549642
......@@ -692,4 +692,57 @@ $(function () {
.attr('action', $(this).attr('href'))
/* Datepicker localization */
$.fn.datepicker.dates.en = {
days: [
gettext("Sunday"), gettext("Monday"), gettext("Tuesday"),
gettext("Wednesday"), gettext("Thursday"), gettext("Friday"),
gettext("Saturday"), gettext("Sunday")
daysShort: [
pgettext("Short (eg. three letter) name of day in week", "Sun"),
pgettext("Short (eg. three letter) name of day in week", "Mon"),
pgettext("Short (eg. three letter) name of day in week", "Tue"),
pgettext("Short (eg. three letter) name of day in week", "Wed"),
pgettext("Short (eg. three letter) name of day in week", "Thu"),
pgettext("Short (eg. three letter) name of day in week", "Fri"),
pgettext("Short (eg. three letter) name of day in week", "Sat"),
pgettext("Short (eg. three letter) name of day in week", "Sun")
daysMin: [
pgettext("Minimal (eg. two letter) name of day in week", "Su"),
pgettext("Minimal (eg. two letter) name of day in week", "Mo"),
pgettext("Minimal (eg. two letter) name of day in week", "Tu"),
pgettext("Minimal (eg. two letter) name of day in week", "We"),
pgettext("Minimal (eg. two letter) name of day in week", "Th"),
pgettext("Minimal (eg. two letter) name of day in week", "Fr"),
pgettext("Minimal (eg. two letter) name of day in week", "Sa"),
pgettext("Minimal (eg. two letter) name of day in week", "Su")
months: [
gettext("January"), gettext("February"), gettext("March"),
gettext("April"), gettext("May"), gettext("June"), gettext("July"),
gettext("August"), gettext("September"), gettext("October"),
gettext("November"), gettext("December")
monthsShort: [
pgettext("Short name of month", "Jan"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Feb"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Mar"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Apr"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "May"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Jun"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Jul"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Aug"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Sep"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Oct"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Nov"),
pgettext("Short name of month", "Dec")
today: gettext("Today"),
clear: gettext("Clear"),
weekStart: django.formats.FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK,
titleFormat: "MM yyyy"
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