{% with trans.get_translated_percent as percent and trans.get_fuzzy_percent as fuzzy and trans.get_failing_checks as checks %}
{% with trans.get_translated_percent as percent and trans.get_fuzzy_percent as fuzzy and trans.get_failing_checks as checks and trans.get_non_translated as count %}
<ahref="{{ trans.get_translate_url }}?type=untranslated"title="{% blocktrans count trans.get_non_translated as count %}There is {{ count }} not translated string.{% plural %}There are {{ count }} not translated strings.{% endblocktrans %}">{% trans "Translate" %}</a>
<ahref="{{ trans.get_translate_url }}?type=untranslated"title="{% blocktrans count trans.get_non_translated as count %}There is {{ count }} not translated string.{% plural %}There are {{ count }} not translated strings.{% endblocktrans %}">{% trans "Translate" %}</a>