Commit b41d978d authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Update sinon to 2.1.0 and eslint to 3.19.0

Also update clean-css
parent 47a9566b
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ PHANTOMJS ?= ./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs
RJS ?= ./node_modules/.bin/r.js
PO2JSON ?= ./node_modules/.bin/po2json
SASS ?= ./.bundle/bin/sass
CLEANCSS ?= ./node_modules/.bin/cleancss
CLEANCSS ?= ./node_modules/clean-css-cli/bin/cleancss
SPHINXBUILD ?= ./bin/sphinx-build
......@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
## 3.0.2 (Unreleased)
- Update Jasmine from 1.3.1 to 2.5.3 and Phantomjs from 1.9.7-1 to 2.1.14 [jcbrand]
- Update moment.js to 2.18.1 [jcbrand]
Dependency updates:
- Jasmine 2.5.3
- Phantomjs 2.1.14
- moment 2.18.1
- sinon 2.1.0
- eslint 3.19.0
## 3.0.1 (2017-04-04)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
config.paths.mock = "tests/mock";
config.paths['wait-until-promise'] = "node_modules/wait-until-promise/index";
config.paths['test-utils'] = "tests/utils";
config.paths.sinon = "node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon";
config.paths.sinon = "node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon";
config.paths.transcripts = "converse-logs/converse-logs";
config.paths.jasmine = "node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine";
config.paths.boot = "node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/boot";
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