if (confirm(__("Are you sure you want to generate new OMEMO keys? " + "This will remove your old keys and all previously encrypted messages will no longer be ecryptable on this device."))) {
if (confirm(__("Are you sure you want to generate new OMEMO keys? " + "This will remove your old keys and all previously encrypted messages will no longer be decryptable on this device."))) {
return _converse.api.alert.show(Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR, __('Error'), [__(`Cannot use end-to-end encryption because %1$s uses a client that doesn't support OMEMO.`, this.model.contact.getDisplayName())]);
return _converse.api.alert.show(Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR, __('Error'), [__("Cannot use end-to-end encryption because %1$s uses a client that doesn't support OMEMO.", this.model.contact.getDisplayName())]);