Commit c9e68026 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Better variable names

parent abc0eed8
......@@ -19,27 +19,27 @@ def diff(old, new):
# Find the largest substring common to old and new
lastRow = [0] * len(old)
subStartOld = subStartNew = subLength = 0
last_row = [0] * len(old)
sub_start_old = sub_start_new = sub_length = 0
for j, val in enumerate(new):
thisRow = [0] * len(old)
for k in ohash.setdefault(val,[]):
thisRow[k] = (k and lastRow[k - 1]) + 1
if(thisRow[k] > subLength):
subLength = thisRow[k]
subStartOld = k - subLength + 1
subStartNew = j - subLength + 1
lastRow = thisRow
if subLength == 0:
thisRow[k] = (k and last_row[k - 1]) + 1
if(thisRow[k] > sub_length):
sub_length = thisRow[k]
sub_start_old = k - sub_length + 1
sub_start_new = j - sub_length + 1
last_row = thisRow
if sub_length == 0:
# If no common substring is found, assume that an insert and
# delete has taken place...
return (old and [('-', old)] or []) + (new and [('+', new)] or [])
# ...otherwise, the common substring is considered to have no change,
# and we recurse on the text before and after the substring
return diff(old[:subStartOld], new[:subStartNew]) + \
[('=', new[subStartNew:subStartNew + subLength])] + \
diff(old[subStartOld + subLength:], new[subStartNew + subLength:])
return diff(old[:sub_start_old], new[:sub_start_new]) + \
[('=', new[sub_start_new:sub_start_new + sub_length])] + \
diff(old[sub_start_old + sub_length:], new[sub_start_new + sub_length:])
def stringDiff(old, new):
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