Commit ce0fe9e3 authored by Weblate's avatar Weblate

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

parents 43f0fe6f 49b67c49
......@@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ before_install:
- sudo apt-get install git libffi-dev libpq-dev libmysqlclient-dev
# commands to install dependencies
- pip install Django==$DJANGO_VERSION
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install mysql-python psycopg2
- pip install pep8
- pip install coveralls
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.6' ]]; then pip install -r requirements-2.6.txt ; fi
- pip install --use-mirrors Django==$DJANGO_VERSION
- pip install --use-mirrors -r requirements.txt
- pip install --use-mirrors mysql-python psycopg2
- pip install --use-mirrors pep8 coveralls
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.6' ]]; then pip install --use-mirrors -r requirements-2.6.txt ; fi
# generate configuration and create databases
- cp weblate/ weblate/
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