- Don't restore a BOSH session without knowing the JID
- In the `/help` menu, only show allowed commands
- Message deduplication bugfixes and improvements
- Continuously retry (in 2s intervals) to fetch login credentials (via [credentials_url](https://conversejs.org/docs/html/configuration.html#credentials-url)) in case of failure
- #1296: `embedded` view mode shows `chatbox-navback` arrow in header
- #1532: Converse reloads on enter pressed in the filter box
throw new Error("attemptNonPreboundSession: If you use auto_login, " + "you also need to give either a jid value (and if " + "applicable a password) or you need to pass in a URL " + "from where the username and password can be fetched " + "(via credentials_url).");
throw new Error("attemptNonPreboundSession: If you use auto_login, " + "you also need to give either a jid value (and if " + "applicable a password) or you need to pass in a URL " + "from where the username and password can be fetched " + "(via credentials_url).");