Commit da6984b9 authored by Florian Preinstorfer's avatar Florian Preinstorfer

Extract everything after refs/heads/ as branch.

By dropping the front part of the ref, one is able to use branches with deeper
nesting than 1. Since the subproject configuration allows this, it should be
supported by the github helper method.

Example ref spec:
* master
* foo/bar
* foo/bar/baz

For documentation, see (Payload -> ref) at
parent 9b0adca2
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from weblate.trans.util import get_site_url
import json
import weblate
import threading
import re
......@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ def github_hook_helper(data):
# Parse owner, branch and repository name
owner = data['repository']['owner']['name']
slug = data['repository']['name']
branch = data['ref'].split('/')[-1]
branch = re.sub(r'^refs/heads/', '', data['ref'])
# Construct possible repository URLs
repos = [repo % {'owner': owner, 'slug': slug} for repo in GITHUB_REPOS]
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