Commit dbeb7848 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Correctly handle plurals for Qt TS files

Fixes #418
parent 301d15f0
......@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ from import propunit, propfile
from import xliffunit
from import pounit, pofile
from import phpunit
from import tsunit
from import mo
from import factory
from trans.util import get_string
from trans.util import get_string, join_plural
from translate.misc import quote
import weblate
import subprocess
......@@ -142,6 +143,15 @@ class FileUnit(object):
Returns source string from a ttkit unit.
if (isinstance(self.mainunit, tsunit)
and self.template is None
and self.mainunit.hasplural()):
# Need to apply special magic for plurals here
# as there is no singlular/plural in the source string
return join_plural([
self.unit.source.replace('(s)', ''),
self.unit.source.replace('(s)', 's'),
if self.is_unit_key_value():
# Need to decode property encoded string
if isinstance(self.mainunit, propunit):
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
import shutil
import os
import git
from trans.models import Project, SubProject
from trans.models import Project, SubProject, Unit
from weblate import appsettings
from trans.tests.test_util import get_test_file
......@@ -147,6 +147,12 @@ class RepoTestCase(TestCase):
def create_ts(self):
return self._create_subproject(
def create_iphone(self):
return self._create_subproject(
......@@ -348,6 +354,12 @@ class SubProjectTest(RepoTestCase):
project = self.create_iphone()
self.verify_subproject(project, 1, 'cs', 4)
def test_create_ts(self):
project = self.create_ts()
self.verify_subproject(project, 1, 'cs', 4, 'Hello, world!')
unit = Unit.objects.get(source__startswith='Orangutan')
def test_create_po_pot(self):
project = self._create_subproject(
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