Commit de3099a9 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

converse-muc: Show `<text>` content of error presences

parent 1d6ee5bf
......@@ -1169,9 +1169,10 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc-views', {
if (!this.password_form) {
this.password_form = new _converse.MUCPasswordForm({
'model': new Backbone.Model(),
'model': new Backbone.Model({
'validation_message': message
'chatroomview': this,
'validation_message': message
const container_el = this.el.querySelector('.chatroom-body');
container_el.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.password_form.el);
......@@ -1538,33 +1538,37 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
* @param { XMLElement } stanza - The presence stanza
onErrorPresence (stanza) {
if (sizzle(`error not-authorized[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, stanza).length) {{
'password_validation_message': __("Password incorrect"),
'connection_status': converse.ROOMSTATUS.PASSWORD_REQUIRED
const error = stanza.querySelector('error');
const error_type = error.getAttribute('type');
const reason = _.get(sizzle(`text[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, error).pop(), 'textContent');
if (error_type === 'modify') {
} else if (error_type === 'auth') {
if (sizzle(`not-authorized[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, error).length) {{
'password_validation_message': reason || __("Password incorrect"),
'connection_status': converse.ROOMSTATUS.PASSWORD_REQUIRED
if (error.querySelector('registration-required')) {
this.setDisconnectionMessage(__('You are not on the member list of this groupchat.'));
const message = __('You are not on the member list of this groupchat.');
this.setDisconnectionMessage(message, reason);
} else if (error.querySelector('forbidden')) {
this.setDisconnectionMessage(__('You have been banned from this groupchat.'));
const message = __('You have been banned from this groupchat.');
this.setDisconnectionMessage(message, reason);
} else if (error_type === 'cancel') {
if (error.querySelector('not-allowed')) {
this.setDisconnectionMessage(__('You are not allowed to create new groupchats.'));
const message = __('You are not allowed to create new groupchats.');
this.setDisconnectionMessage(message, reason);
} else if (error.querySelector('not-acceptable')) {
this.setDisconnectionMessage(__("Your nickname doesn't conform to this groupchat's policies."));
const message = __("Your nickname doesn't conform to this groupchat's policies.");
this.setDisconnectionMessage(message, reason);
} else if (sizzle(`gone[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, error).length) {
const moved_jid = _.get(sizzle(`gone[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, error).pop(), 'textContent')
.replace(/^xmpp:/, '')
.replace(/\?join$/, '');
const reason = _.get(sizzle(`text[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, error).pop(), 'textContent');{
'connection_status': converse.ROOMSTATUS.DESTROYED,
'destroyed_reason': reason,
......@@ -1573,14 +1577,15 @@ converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', {
} else if (error.querySelector('conflict')) {
} else if (error.querySelector('item-not-found')) {
this.setDisconnectionMessage(__("This groupchat does not (yet) exist."));
const message = __("This groupchat does not (yet) exist.");
this.setDisconnectionMessage(message, reason);
} else if (error.querySelector('service-unavailable')) {
this.setDisconnectionMessage(__("This groupchat has reached its maximum number of participants."));
const message = __("This groupchat has reached its maximum number of participants.");
this.setDisconnectionMessage(message, reason);
} else if (error.querySelector('remote-server-not-found')) {
const message = __("Remote server not found");
const text = _.get(error.querySelector('text'), 'textContent');
const reason = text ? __('The explanation given is: "%1$s".', text) : undefined;
this.setDisconnectionMessage(message, reason);
const feedback = reason ? __('The explanation given is: "%1$s".', reason) : undefined;
this.setDisconnectionMessage(message, feedback);
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