Commit e93ddb59 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Merge branch 'gh-pages'

parents 156b5660 d550ca13
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Converse.js Demo Page</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Converse.js : Browser-based Instant Messaging with Strophe.js and Backbone.js" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="stylesheets/stylesheet.css">
<p><tt>Converse.js</tt> implements an <a href="">XMPP</a> based instant messaging client in the browser.</p>
<p>It's used by <a href=""></a>, which is a <a href="">Plone</a> instant messaging add-on.</p>
<p>The ultimate goal is to enable anyone to add chat functionality to their websites, regardless of the server backend.</p>
<p>Currently this is not yet 100% the case, as the code makes ajax calls to the (Plone) backend to fetch user info.</p>
<li>Manually or automically subscribe to other users.</li>
<li>Accept or decline contact requests</li>
<li>Chat status (online, busy, away, offline)</li>
<li>Custom status messages</li>
<li>Typing notifications</li>
<li>Third person messages (/me )</li>
<li>Multi-user chat in chatrooms</li>
<li>Chatroom Topics</li>
<li>vCard support</li>
<p>A screencast of (a very old version of) <tt>Converse.js</tt> in action via <tt></tt>
can be seen <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<p>It depends on quite a few third party libraries, including <a href="">strophe.js</a>,
<a href="http:/">backbone.js</a> and <a href="http:/">require.js</a>.</p>
<p><tt>Converse.js</tt> is released under both the <a href="">MIT</a>
and <a href="">GPL</a> licenses.</p>
Head on down to our <a href="">Github repo</a>.
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<a id="forkme_banner" href="">View on GitHub</a>
<h1 id="project_title">Converse.js</h1>
<h2 id="project_tagline">Browser-based Instant Messaging with Strophe.js and Backbone.js</h2>
<section id="downloads">
<a class="zip_download_link" href="">Download this project as a .zip file</a>
<a class="tar_download_link" href="">Download this project as a tar.gz file</a>
<div id="chatpanel" i18n:domain="">
<div id="collective-xmpp-chat-data"></div>
<div id="toggle-controlbox">
<a href="#" class="chat" id="toggle-online-users">
<span i18n:translate="">Online Users</span> (<strong id="online-count">0</strong>)
<span id="connecting-to-chat" i18n:translate="">Connecting to chat ...</span>
<div id="main_content_wrap" class="outer">
<section id="main_content" class="inner">
<p><strong>Converse.js</strong> implements an <a href="">XMPP</a> based instant messaging client in the browser.</p>
<p>It is used by <a href=""></a>, which is a <a href="">Plone</a> instant messaging add-on.</p>
<p>The ultimate goal is to enable anyone to add chat functionality to their websites, regardless of the backend.</p>
<p>Currently this is not yet the case, as the code makes ajax calls to the (Plone) backend
to fetch user info. </p>
<li>Manually or automically subscribe to other users.</li>
<li>Accept or decline contact requests</li>
<li>Chat status (online, busy, away, offline)</li>
<li>Custom status messages</li>
<li>Typing notifications</li>
<li>Third person messages (/me )</li>
<li>Multi-user chat in chatrooms</li>
<li>Chatroom Topics</li>
<li>vCard support</li>
<p>A screencast of <strong>Converse.js</strong> in action via <strong></strong> can be seen <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Converse.js</strong> depends on a few third party libraries, including:
<li><a href="">strophe.js</a></li>
<li><a href="http:/">backbone.js</a></li>
<li><a href="http:/">require.js</a></li>
<p><strong>Converse.js</strong> is released under both the <a href="">MIT</a> and <a href="">GPL</a> licenses.</p>
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<p class="copyright">Converse.js maintained by <a href="">jcbrand</a></p>
<p>Published with <a href="">GitHub Pages</a></p>
console.log('This would be the main JS file.');
{"name":"Converse.js","tagline":"Browser-based Instant Messaging with Strophe.js and Backbone.js","body":"``Converse.js`` implements an [XMPP]( based instant messaging client in the browser.\r\n\r\nIt is used by [](, which is a [Plone]( instant messaging add-on.\r\n\r\nThe ultimate goal is to enable anyone to add chat functionality to their websites, regardless of the backend.\r\n\r\nCurrently this is not yet the case, as the code makes ajax calls to the (Plone) backend\r\nto fetch user info. \r\n\r\n--------\r\nFeatures\r\n--------\r\n\r\nIt has the following features:\r\n\r\n* Manually or automically subscribe to other users.\r\n* With manual roster subscriptions, you can accept or decline contact requests.\r\n* Chat statuses (online, busy, away, offline)\r\n* Custom status message\r\n* Typing notifications (i.e when the contact is typing)\r\n* Third person messages (/me )\r\n* Multi-user chat in chatrooms\r\n* Topics can be set for chatrooms\r\n* Full name and profile picture support\r\n\r\nA screencast of ``Converse.js`` in action via ```` can be seen [here](\r\n\r\nIt depends on quite a few third party libraries, including [strophe.js](,\r\n[backbone.js](http:/ and [require.js](http:/\r\n\r\n-------\r\nLicence\r\n-------\r\n\r\n``Converse.js`` is released under both the [MIT]( and [GPL]( licenses.\r\n","google":"","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."}
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