Commit f0c5f697 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Fix unclarity in tooltip

parent 36f63d90
......@@ -102225,7 +102225,7 @@ __p += ' checked="checked" ';
__p += '>\n <label for="converse-login-trusted" class="form-check-label login-trusted__desc">' +
__e(o.__('This is a trusted device')) +
'</label>\n <i class="fa fa-info-circle" data-toggle="popover"\n data-title="Trusted device?"\n data-content="' +
__e(o.__('To improve performance, we cache your data in this browser. Uncheck this box if this is a public computer or if you want your data to be deleted when you log out. It\'s important that you explicitly log out, otherwise not all cached data might be deleted. Please note, when using an untrusted device, OMEMO encryption is be supported.')) +
__e(o.__('To improve performance, we cache your data in this browser. Uncheck this box if this is a public computer or if you want your data to be deleted when you log out. It\'s important that you explicitly log out, otherwise not all cached data might be deleted. Please note, when using an untrusted device, OMEMO encryption is NOT available.')) +
'"></i>\n </div>\n\n <fieldset class="buttons">\n <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="' +
__e(o.__('Log in')) +
'">\n </fieldset>\n ';
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<label for="converse-login-trusted" class="form-check-label login-trusted__desc">{{{o.__('This is a trusted device')}}}</label>
<i class="fa fa-info-circle" data-toggle="popover"
data-title="Trusted device?"
data-content="{{{o.__('To improve performance, we cache your data in this browser. Uncheck this box if this is a public computer or if you want your data to be deleted when you log out. It\'s important that you explicitly log out, otherwise not all cached data might be deleted. Please note, when using an untrusted device, OMEMO encryption is be supported.')}}}"></i>
data-content="{{{o.__('To improve performance, we cache your data in this browser. Uncheck this box if this is a public computer or if you want your data to be deleted when you log out. It\'s important that you explicitly log out, otherwise not all cached data might be deleted. Please note, when using an untrusted device, OMEMO encryption is NOT available.')}}}"></i>
<fieldset class="buttons">
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