Commit f353fe86 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Bugfix for headline messages.

Couldn't handle messages with no "from" attribute.
Some refactoring to add code that checks if a messages is a headline to the
utils module.
Updated tests. Add sinon so that we can test returned value of spy.
parent b3e9a177
......@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
"skeleton-sass": "~2.0.3",
"strophejs": "1.2.4",
"strophejs-plugins": "",
"bourbon": "~4.2.3"
"bourbon": "~4.2.3",
"sinon": "^1.17.3"
"resolutions": {
"backbone": "1.1.2"
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
......@@ -3,13 +3,11 @@
], function ($, _, mock, test_utils) {
return factory($, _, mock, test_utils);
} (this, function ($, _, mock, test_utils) {
], factory);
} (this, function ($, _, utils, mock, test_utils) {
var $msg = converse_api.env.$msg;
var Strophe = converse_api.env.Strophe;
var moment = converse_api.env.moment;
......@@ -461,6 +459,7 @@
it("is ignored if it's intended for a different resource", function () {
// Send a message from a different resource
spyOn(converse, 'log');
spyOn(converse.chatboxes, 'getChatBox');
var sender_jid = mock.cur_names[0].replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@localhost';
var msg = $msg({
from: sender_jid,
......@@ -471,7 +470,35 @@
.c('active', {'xmlns': ''}).tree();
"Ignore incoming message intended for a different resource: dummy@localhost/some-other-resource", "info");
"onMessage: Ignoring incoming message intended for a different resource: dummy@localhost/some-other-resource", "info");
it("is ignored if it's a malformed headline message", function () {
/* Ideally we wouldn't have to filter out headline
* messages, but Prosody gives them the wrong 'type' :(
sinon.spy(converse, 'log');
sinon.spy(converse.chatboxes, 'getChatBox');
sinon.spy(utils, 'isHeadlineMessage');
var msg = $msg({
from: 'localhost',
to: converse.bare_jid,
type: 'chat',
id: (new Date()).getTime()
}).c('body').t("This headline message will not be shown").tree();
"onMessage: Ignoring incoming headline message sent with type 'chat' from JID: localhost",
// Remove sinon spies
it("can be a carbon message, as defined in XEP-0280", function () {
......@@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
(function (root, factory) {
], function ($, mock, test_utils) {
return factory($, mock, test_utils);
} (this, function ($, mock, test_utils) {
], factory);
} (this, function ($, utils, mock, test_utils) {
"use strict";
var $msg = converse_api.env.$msg,
_ = converse_api.env._;
......@@ -30,6 +28,7 @@
* </x>
* </message>
sinon.spy(utils, 'isHeadlineMessage');
runs(function () {
var stanza = $msg({
'type': 'headline',
......@@ -50,6 +49,9 @@
utils.isHeadlineMessage.restore(); // unwraps
......@@ -1308,22 +1308,39 @@
onMessage: function (message) {
/* Handler method for all incoming single-user chat "message" stanzas.
/* Handler method for all incoming single-user chat "message"
* stanzas.
var $message = $(message),
contact_jid, $forwarded, $delay, from_bare_jid, from_resource, is_me, msgid,
contact_jid, $forwarded, $delay, from_bare_jid,
from_resource, is_me, msgid,
chatbox, resource,
from_jid = $message.attr('from'),
to_jid = $message.attr('to'),
to_resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(to_jid);
if (to_resource && to_resource !== converse.resource) {
converse.log('Ignore incoming message intended for a different resource: '+to_jid, 'info');
'onMessage: Ignoring incoming message intended for a different resource: '+to_jid,
return true;
if (from_jid === converse.connection.jid) {
// FIXME: Forwarded messages should be sent to specific resources, not broadcasted
converse.log("Ignore incoming message sent from this client's JID: "+from_jid, 'info');
} else if (from_jid === converse.connection.jid) {
// FIXME: Forwarded messages should be sent to specific
// resources, not broadcasted
"onMessage: Ignoring incoming message sent from this client's JID: "+from_jid,
return true;
} else if (utils.isHeadlineMessage(message)) {
// XXX: Ideally we wouldn't have to check for headline
// messages, but Prosody sends headline messages with the
// wrong type ('chat'), so we need to filter them out here.
"onMessage: Ignoring incoming headline message sent with type 'chat' from JID: "+from_jid,
return true;
$forwarded = $message.find('forwarded');
......@@ -22,12 +22,9 @@
var onHeadlineMessage = function (message) {
/* Handler method for all incoming messages of type "headline".
var $message = $(message), from_jid = $message.attr('from');
if ($message.attr('type') === 'headline' || from_jid.indexOf('@') === -1) {
// Some servers (I'm looking at you Prosody) don't set the message
// type to "headline" when sending server messages. For now we
// check if an @ signal is included, and if not, we assume it's
// a headline message.
var $message = $(message),
from_jid = $message.attr('from');
if (utils.isHeadlineMessage(message)) {
'id': from_jid,
'jid': from_jid,
......@@ -68,19 +68,16 @@
return true;
converse.shouldNotifyOfMessage = function ($message) {
converse.shouldNotifyOfMessage = function (message) {
/* Is this a message worthy of notification?
var $forwarded = $message.find('forwarded');
var $message = $(message),
$forwarded = $message.find('forwarded');
if ($forwarded.length) {
return false;
if ($message.attr('type') === 'groupchat') {
} else if ($message.attr('type') === 'groupchat') {
return converse.shouldNotifyOfGroupMessage($message);
if ($message.attr('type') === 'headline' || $message.attr('from').indexOf('@') === -1) {
// XXX: 2nd check is workaround for Prosody which doesn't give type "headline"
} else if (utils.isHeadlineMessage(message)) {
// We want to show notifications for headline messages.
return true;
......@@ -198,7 +195,7 @@
* to play sounds and show HTML5 notifications.
var $message = $(message);
if (!converse.shouldNotifyOfMessage($message)) {
if (!converse.shouldNotifyOfMessage(message)) {
return false;
......@@ -125,6 +125,21 @@
return str;
isHeadlineMessage: function (message) {
var $message = $(message),
from_jid = $message.attr('from');
if ($message.attr('type') === 'headline' ||
// Some servers (I'm looking at you Prosody) don't set the message
// type to "headline" when sending server messages. For now we
// check if an @ signal is included, and if not, we assume it's
// a headline message.
(typeof from_jid !== 'undefined' && from_jid.indexOf('@') === -1)
) {
return true;
return false;
refreshWebkit: function () {
/* This works around a webkit bug. Refreshes the browser's viewport,
* otherwise chatboxes are not moved along when one is closed.
// Extra test dependencies
config.paths.mock = "tests/mock";
config.paths.test_utils = "tests/utils";
config.paths.sinon = "components/sinon/lib/sinon";
config.paths.jasmine = "components/jasmine/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine";
config.paths["jasmine-html"] = "components/jasmine/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine-html";
config.paths["console-runner"] = "node_modules/phantom-jasmine/lib/console-runner";
......@@ -34,9 +35,11 @@ require([
], function($, converse, mock, jasmine) {
], function($, converse, mock, jasmine, sinon) {
// Set up converse.js
window.sinon = sinon;
window.converse_api = converse;
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