Commit f68712a5 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Bugfix. Presence stanza sent out before roster initialized

parent 90be11ae
0.6.6 (2013-10-08)
* Bugfix: Presence stanza sent out before roster has been initialized [jcbrand]
0.6.5 (2013-10-08)
......@@ -2190,6 +2190,17 @@
rosterHandler: function (items) {
if ((items.length === 0) || (items.length === _.where(items, {subscription:'none'}).length)) {
// The presence stanza is sent out once all
// roster contacts have been added and rendered.
// See RosterView's render method.
// If there aren't any roster contacts, we still
// want to send a presence stanza, so we do it here.
return true;
_.each(items, function (item, index, items) {
if (this.isSelf(item.jid)) { return; }
......@@ -2359,20 +2370,7 @@
add: true,
success: function (model, resp, options) {
if (resp.length === 0) {
// The presence stanza is sent out once all
// roster contacts have been added and rendered.
// See RosterView's render method.
// If there aren't any roster contacts, we still
// want to send a presence stanza, so we do it here.
}); // Get the cached roster items from localstorage
this.model.fetch({add: true}); // Get the cached roster items from localstorage
updateChatBox: function (item, changed) {
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