Commit 066118b1 authored by Marvin Teichmann's avatar Marvin Teichmann Committed by gabrieldemarmiesse

Fixing c library tutorial

parent 353299cb
Using C libraries
Apart from writing fast code, one of the main use cases of Cython is
to call external C libraries from Python code. As Cython code
......@@ -22,12 +24,30 @@ type that can encapsulate all memory management.
.. [CAlg] Simon Howard, C Algorithms library,
.. _download_and_install_calg:
Download & Install [CAlg]
You can download CAlg `here <>`_.
You may want to test whether you can build c-algorithms on your system using (not necessary)::
$ cd c-algorithms
$ sh
$ ./configure
$ make
to install CAlg run::
$ make install
Defining external declarations
The C API of the queue implementation, which is defined in the header
file ``libcalg/queue.h``, essentially looks like this::
file ``c-algorithms/src/queue.h``, essentially looks like this::
/* file: queue.h */
......@@ -52,7 +72,7 @@ file, say, ``cqueue.pxd``::
# file: cqueue.pxd
cdef extern from "libcalg/queue.h":
cdef extern from "c-algorithms/src/queue.h":
ctypedef struct Queue:
ctypedef void* QueueValue
......@@ -123,7 +143,7 @@ provided ``.pxd`` files.
Writing a wrapper class
After declaring our C library's API, we can start to design the Queue
class that should wrap the C queue. It will live in a file called
......@@ -172,7 +192,7 @@ the type.
Memory management
Before we continue implementing the other methods, it is important to
understand that the above implementation is not safe. In case
......@@ -218,7 +238,7 @@ the init method::
Compiling and linking
At this point, we have a working Cython module that we can test. To
compile it, we need to configure a ```` script for distutils.
......@@ -232,10 +252,64 @@ Here is the most basic script for compiling a Cython module::
ext_modules = cythonize([Extension("queue", ["queue.pyx"])])
To build against the external C library, we must extend this script to
include the necessary setup. Assuming the library is installed in the
usual places (e.g. under ``/usr/lib`` and ``/usr/include`` on a
Unix-like system), we could simply change the extension setup from
To build against the external C library, we need to make sure Cython finds the necessary libraries.
There are two ways to archive this. First we can tell distutils where to find
the c-source to compile the :file:`queue.c` implementation automatically. Alternatively,
we can build and install C-Alg as system library and dynamically link it. The latter is useful
if other applications also use C-Alg.
Static Linking
To build the c-code automatically we need to include compiler directives in `queue.pyx`::
# distutils: sources = c-algorithms/src/queue.c
# distutils: include_dirs = c-algorithms/src/
cimport cqueue
cdef class Queue:
cdef cqueue.Queue* _c_queue
def __cinit__(self):
self._c_queue = cqueue.queue_new()
if self._c_queue is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
def __dealloc__(self):
if self._c_queue is not NULL:
The ``sources`` compiler directive gives the path of the C
files that distutils is going to compile.
In general all relevant header files should be found in ``include_dirs``.
Now we can build the project using::
$ python build_ext -i
And test whether our build was successful::
$ python -c 'import queue; Q = queue.Queue()'
Dynamic Linking
Dynamic linking is useful, if the library we are going to wrap is already
installed on the system. To perform dynamic linking we first need to
build and install c-alg. Follow the instruction in
paragraph :ref:`download_and_install_calg` to install the library. Afterwards the
file :file:`/usr/local/lib/` should exist.
.. note::
This path may be different on different platforms,
so you will need to adapt the rest of the tutorial depending on the
where `` is on your system.
In this approach we need to tell the setup script to link with an external library.
To do so we need to extend the setup script to install change the extension setup from
......@@ -250,7 +324,11 @@ to
If it is not installed in a 'normal' location, users can provide the
Now we should be able to build the project using::
$ python build_ext -i
If the `libcalg` is not installed in a 'normal' location, users can provide the
required parameters externally by passing appropriate C compiler
flags, such as::
......@@ -258,11 +336,17 @@ flags, such as::
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/otherdir/calg/lib" \
python build_ext -i
Before we run the module, we also need to make sure that `libcalg` is in
the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable, e.g. by setting::
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
Once we have compiled the module for the first time, we can now import
it and instantiate a new Queue::
$ export PYTHONPATH=.
$ python -c 'import queue.Queue as Q ; Q()'
$ python -c 'import queue; Q = queue.Queue()'
However, this is all our Queue class can do so far, so let's make it
more usable.
......@@ -502,6 +586,49 @@ instead that accepts an arbitrary Python iterable::
for value in values:
Now we can test our Queue implementation using a python script,
for example here :file:``.::
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import queue
Q = queue.Queue()
except IndexError as e:
print("Error message:", e) # Prints "Queue is empty"
i = 10000
values = range(i)
start_time = time.time()
end_time = time.time() - start_time
print("Adding {} items took {:1.3f} msecs.".format(i, 1000 * end_time))
for i in range(41):
print("The answer is:")
As a quick test with 10000 numbers on the author's machine indicates,
using this Queue from Cython code with C ``int`` values is about five
times as fast as using it from Cython code with Python object values,
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