Commit 091ce1d8 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

repair issues found by CPython f-string tests

parent 5451bab2
......@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ def p_string_literal(s, kind_override=None):
if kind_override is not None and kind_override in 'ub':
kind = kind_override
if kind in {'u', 'f'}: # f-strings are scanned exactly like Unicode literals, but are parsed further later
if kind in ('u', 'f'): # f-strings are scanned exactly like Unicode literals, but are parsed further later
chars = StringEncoding.UnicodeLiteralBuilder()
elif kind == '':
chars = StringEncoding.StrLiteralBuilder(s.source_encoding)
......@@ -998,17 +998,17 @@ def p_f_string(s, unicode_value, pos):
current_literal_start = 0
while i < size:
c = unicode_value[i]
if c in ('{', '}'):
if c in '{}':
if i + 1 < size and unicode_value[i + 1] == c:
encoded_str = EncodedString(unicode_value[current_literal_start:i + 1])
values.append(ExprNodes.UnicodeNode(pos, value = encoded_str))
values.append(ExprNodes.UnicodeNode(pos, value=encoded_str))
i += 2
current_literal_start = i
elif c == '}':
s.error("single '}' encountered in format string")
encoded_str = EncodedString(unicode_value[current_literal_start:i])
values.append(ExprNodes.UnicodeNode(pos, value = encoded_str))
values.append(ExprNodes.UnicodeNode(pos, value=encoded_str))
i, expr_node = p_f_string_expr(s, unicode_value, pos, i + 1)
current_literal_start = i
......@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ def p_f_string(s, unicode_value, pos):
i += 1
encoded_str = EncodedString(unicode_value[current_literal_start:])
values.append(ExprNodes.UnicodeNode(pos, value = encoded_str))
values.append(ExprNodes.UnicodeNode(pos, value=encoded_str))
return values
......@@ -1069,8 +1069,12 @@ def p_f_string_expr(s, unicode_value, pos, starting_index):
i += 1
# the expression is parsed as if it is surrounded by parentheses
expr_str = u'(%s)' % unicode_value[starting_index:i]
# normalise line endings as the parser expects that
expr_str = unicode_value[starting_index:i].replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
expr_pos = (pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] + starting_index + 2) # TODO: find exact code position (concat, multi-line, ...)
if not expr_str.strip():
s.error("empty expression not allowed in f-string")
if terminal_char == '!':
i += 1
......@@ -1085,21 +1089,30 @@ def p_f_string_expr(s, unicode_value, pos, starting_index):
terminal_char = unicode_value[i]
if terminal_char == ':':
in_triple_quotes = False
in_string = False
nested_depth = 0
start_format_spec = i + 1
while True:
if i >= size:
s.error("missing '}' in format specifier")
c = unicode_value[i]
if c == '{':
if nested_depth >= 1:
s.error("nesting of '{' in format specifier is not allowed")
nested_depth += 1
elif c == '}' and nested_depth == 0:
terminal_char = c
elif c == '}':
nested_depth -= 1
if not in_triple_quotes and not in_string:
if c == '{':
if nested_depth >= 1:
s.error("nesting of '{' in format specifier is not allowed")
nested_depth += 1
elif c == '}' and nested_depth == 0:
terminal_char = c
elif c == '}':
nested_depth -= 1
if c in '\'"':
if not in_string and i + 2 < size and unicode_value[i + 1] == c and unicode_value[i + 2] == c:
in_triple_quotes = not in_triple_quotes
i += 2
elif not in_triple_quotes:
in_string = not in_string
i += 1
format_spec_str = unicode_value[start_format_spec:i]
......@@ -1107,11 +1120,9 @@ def p_f_string_expr(s, unicode_value, pos, starting_index):
if terminal_char != '}':
s.error("missing '}' in format string expression'")
# parse the expression
name = 'format string expression'
code_source = StringSourceDescriptor(name, expr_str)
buf = StringIO(expr_str)
scanner = PyrexScanner(buf, code_source, parent_scanner=s, source_encoding=s.source_encoding)
# parse the expression as if it was surrounded by parentheses
buf = StringIO('(%s)' % expr_str)
scanner = PyrexScanner(buf, expr_pos[0], parent_scanner=s, source_encoding=s.source_encoding, initial_pos=expr_pos)
expr = p_testlist(scanner) # TODO is testlist right here?
# validate the conversion char
......@@ -1120,13 +1131,13 @@ def p_f_string_expr(s, unicode_value, pos, starting_index):
# the format spec is itself treated like an f-string
if format_spec_str is not None:
format_spec = ExprNodes.JoinedStrNode(pos, values = p_f_string(s, format_spec_str, pos))
format_spec = ExprNodes.JoinedStrNode(pos, values=p_f_string(s, format_spec_str, pos))
format_spec = None
return i + 1, ExprNodes.FormattedValueNode(
s.position(), value = expr, conversion_char = conversion_char,
format_spec = format_spec)
s.position(), value=expr, conversion_char=conversion_char,
# since PEP 448:
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