Commit 15903d3b authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Remove broken test from working one.

parent dbd85bf2
......@@ -62,19 +62,3 @@ def test_pair(int i, double x):
del pair
def test_wrap_pair(int i, double x):
>>> test_wrap_pair(1, 1.5)
(1, 1.5, True, False)
>>> test_wrap_pair(2, 2.25)
(2, 2.25, True, False)
cdef Pair[int, double] *pair
cdef Wrap[Pair[int, double]] *wrap
pair = new Pair[int, double](i, x)
warp = new Wrap[Pair[int, double]](deref(pair))
return wrap.get().first(), wrap.get().second(), deref(wrap) == deref(wrap)
del pair, wrap
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