Commit 1ad72710 authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson

Add some documentation for newaxis indexing

parent 75c761cf
......@@ -76,6 +76,22 @@ the slice can be transposed in the same way that numpy slices can be transposed:
This gives a new, transposed, view on the data.
New axes can be introduced by indexing an array with ``None`` ::
cdef double[:] myslice = np.linspace(0, 10, num=50)
# 2D array with shape (1, 50)
myslice[None] # or
myslice[None, :]
# 2D array with shape (50, 1)
myslice[:, None]
One may mix new axis indexing with all other forms of indexing and slicing.
See also an example_.
Specifying data layout
......@@ -230,3 +246,4 @@ Unlike object attributes of extension classes, memoryview slices are not initial
to None.
.. _NumPy:
.. _example:
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