Commit 21118651 authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson

Update memoryview documentation

parent 4a9efd8d
......@@ -79,34 +79,26 @@ This gives a new, transposed, view on the data.
Specifying data layout
Data layout can be specified using the previously seen `::1` slice syntax, or by using any
of the constants in `cython.view`.
Data layout can be specified using the previously seen ``::1`` slice syntax, or by using any
of the constants in ``cython.view``.
The concepts are as follows: there is data access and data packing. Data access means either
direct (no pointer) or indirect (pointer). Generic means you don't know, and want the compiler
Data packing means your data may be strided (e.g. after slicing it, a[::2]) or contiguous
direct (no pointer) or indirect (pointer).
Data packing means your data may be strided (e.g. after slicing it, ``a[::2]``) or contiguous
(consecutive elements are adjacent in memory). If no specifier is given in any dimension,
the data access is assumed to be direct, and the data packing assumed to be strided.
If you don't know whether a dimension will be direct or indirect (because you got an object
then the data access is assumed to be direct, and the data packing assumed to be strided.
If you don't know whether a dimension will be direct or indirect (because you're getting an object
with a buffer interface from some library perhaps), then you can specify the `generic` flag,
in which case it will be determined at runtime.
The flags are as follows:
cdef generic = Enum("<strided and direct or indirect>")
cdef strided = Enum("<strided and direct>") # default
cdef indirect = Enum("<strided and indirect>")
# Disable generic_contiguous, as it is a troublemaker
#cdef generic_contiguous = Enum("<contiguous and direct or indirect>")
cdef contiguous = Enum("<contiguous and direct>")
cdef indirect_contiguous = Enum("<contiguous and indirect>")
* generic - strided and direct or indirect
* strided - strided and direct (this is the default)
* indirect - strided and indirect
* contiguous - contiguous and direct
* indirect_contiguous - the list of pointers is contiguous
They can be used as follows::
and they can be used like this::
from cython cimport view
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