Commit 24194ab3 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Bugfix: always use EncodedString for entry names

parent 1ecd2151
......@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ class Scope(object):
# Declare a shadow default constructor
wrapper_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType(entry.type, [], nogil=1)
wrapper_cname = "%s__constructor__%s" % (Naming.func_prefix, name)
wrapper_name = "<constructor>"
wrapper_name = EncodedString("<constructor>")
wrapper_entry = scope.declare(wrapper_name, wrapper_cname, wrapper_type, pos, visibility)
wrapper_type.entry = wrapper_entry
wrapper_entry.is_default = 1
......@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ class Scope(object):
# Declare the default __alloc__ method
alloc_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType(entry.type, [], nogil=1)
alloc_cname = "%s__alloc__%s" % (Naming.func_prefix, name)
alloc_name = "<alloc>"
alloc_name = EncodedString("<alloc>")
alloc_entry = scope.declare(alloc_name, alloc_cname, alloc_type, pos, visibility)
alloc_type.entry = alloc_entry
# alloc_entry.is_inherited = 1
......@@ -820,27 +820,27 @@ class Scope(object):
# Declare activated class
act_scope = CppClassScope("Activated", scope)
act_type = PyrexTypes.CypClassType(
"Activated", act_scope, "Activated", None, templates = templates, lock_mode=entry.type.lock_mode)
EncodedString("Activated"), act_scope, "Activated", None, templates = templates, lock_mode=entry.type.lock_mode)
act_type.namespace = entry.type
#scope.declare_cpp_class("Activated", act_scope, pos)
act_entry = scope.declare("Activated", "Activated", act_type, pos, visibility)
act_entry = scope.declare(EncodedString("Activated"), "Activated", act_type, pos, visibility)
act_entry.is_type = 1
# Declaring active_self member and activate function (its definition is generated automatically)
act_attr_name = Naming.builtin_prefix + "_active_self"
scope.declare_var("<active_self>", act_type, pos, cname=act_attr_name)
act_attr_name = EncodedString(Naming.builtin_prefix + "_active_self")
scope.declare_var(EncodedString("<active_self>"), act_type, pos, cname=act_attr_name)
from . import Builtin
queue_type = Builtin.acthon_queue_type
result_type = Builtin.acthon_result_type
queue_arg = PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("queue", queue_type, pos)
queue_arg = PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg(EncodedString("queue"), queue_type, pos)
result_type = PyrexTypes.CPtrType(PyrexTypes.CFuncType(result_type, [], nogil = 1))
result_arg = PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("result", result_type, pos)
result_arg = PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg(EncodedString("result"), result_type, pos)
activate_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType(act_type, [queue_arg, result_arg], nogil = 1, optional_arg_count = 2)
# HACK !!! This is a dirty duplication of Nodes.CFuncDeclaratorNode.declare_optional_arg_struct
def declare_opt_arg_struct(func_type, name, env, pos):
scope = StructOrUnionScope()
arg_count_member = '%sn' % Naming.pyrex_prefix
arg_count_member = EncodedString('%sn' % Naming.pyrex_prefix)
scope.declare_var(arg_count_member, PyrexTypes.c_int_type, pos)
for arg in func_type.args[len(func_type.args) - func_type.optional_arg_count:]:
......@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ class Scope(object):
struct_cname = env.mangle(Naming.opt_arg_prefix, name)
op_args_struct = env.global_scope().declare_struct_or_union(
......@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ class Scope(object):
declare_opt_arg_struct(activate_type, name, self, pos)
activate_entry = scope.declare("__activate__", "__activate__", activate_type, None, 'extern')
activate_entry = scope.declare(EncodedString("__activate__"), "__activate__", activate_type, None, 'extern')
activate_entry.is_variable = activate_entry.is_cfunction = 1
activate_entry.func_cname = "%s::%s" % (entry.type.empty_declaration_code(), "__activate__")
......@@ -2789,9 +2789,9 @@ class CppClassScope(Scope):
if not return_type:
return_type = self.type
class_type = self.parent_type
class_name ='::')[-1]
class_name = EncodedString('::')[-1])
wrapper_cname = "%s__constructor__%s" % (Naming.func_prefix, class_name)
wrapper_name = "<constructor>"
wrapper_name = EncodedString("<constructor>")
wrapper_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType(return_type, args, nogil=1,
......@@ -2808,7 +2808,7 @@ class CppClassScope(Scope):
if entry.type.has_varargs:
error(entry.pos, "Could not reify method with ellipsis (you can use optional arguments)")
# Create the reifying class
reified_name = "reified_" +
reified_name = EncodedString("reified_" +
reified_cname = Naming.builtin_prefix + reified_name
scope = CppClassScope(reified_name, self)
reified_type = PyrexTypes.CypClassType(reified_name, scope, reified_cname, None, templates = None, lock_mode="nolock")
......@@ -2911,7 +2911,7 @@ class CppClassScope(Scope):
elif name == '__alloc__' and self.type.is_cyp_class:
reify = False
cname = "%s__alloc__%s" % (Naming.func_prefix, class_name)
name = '<alloc>'
name = EncodedString('<alloc>')
elif name == '__new__' and self.type.is_cyp_class:
reify = False
if name in self.entries:
......@@ -2931,13 +2931,13 @@ class CppClassScope(Scope):
operator = self.operator_table.get(name, None)
if operator:
reify = False
name = 'operator'+operator
name = EncodedString('operator'+operator)
elif name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
stripped_name = name[2:-2]
as_operator_name = self._as_type_operator(stripped_name)
if as_operator_name:
reify = False
name = 'operator ' + as_operator_name
name = EncodedString('operator ' + as_operator_name)
type.args = []
if name in ('<init>', '<del>') and type.nogil:
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