Commit 29c73166 authored by gabrieldemarmiesse's avatar gabrieldemarmiesse

Moved an example from memoryviews.rst to the examples directory.

parent 5c04c1a8
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
import numpy as np
# Memoryview on a NumPy array
narr = np.arange(27, dtype=np.dtype("i")).reshape((3, 3, 3))
cdef int [:, :, :] narr_view = narr
# Memoryview on a C array
cdef int carr[3][3][3]
cdef int [:, :, :] carr_view = carr
# Memoryview on a Cython array
cyarr = cvarray(shape=(3, 3, 3), itemsize=sizeof(int), format="i")
cdef int [:, :, :] cyarr_view = cyarr
# Show the sum of all the arrays before altering it
print("NumPy sum of the NumPy array before assignments: %s" % narr.sum())
# We can copy the values from one memoryview into another using a single
# statement, by either indexing with ... or (NumPy-style) with a colon.
carr_view[...] = narr_view
cyarr_view[:] = narr_view
# NumPy-style syntax for assigning a single value to all elements.
narr_view[:, :, :] = 3
# Just to distinguish the arrays
carr_view[0, 0, 0] = 100
cyarr_view[0, 0, 0] = 1000
# Assigning into the memoryview on the NumPy array alters the latter
print("NumPy sum of NumPy array after assignments: %s" % narr.sum())
# A function using a memoryview does not usually need the GIL
cpdef int sum3d(int[:, :, :] arr) nogil:
cdef size_t i, j, k
cdef int total = 0
I = arr.shape[0]
J = arr.shape[1]
K = arr.shape[2]
for i in range(I):
for j in range(J):
for k in range(K):
total += arr[i, j, k]
return total
# A function accepting a memoryview knows how to use a NumPy array,
# a C array, a Cython array...
print("Memoryview sum of NumPy array is %s" % sum3d(narr))
print("Memoryview sum of C array is %s" % sum3d(carr))
print("Memoryview sum of Cython array is %s" % sum3d(cyarr))
# ... and of course, a memoryview.
print("Memoryview sum of C memoryview is %s" % sum3d(carr_view))
......@@ -28,60 +28,7 @@ Quickstart
If you are used to working with NumPy, the following examples should get you
started with Cython memory views.
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
import numpy as np
# Memoryview on a NumPy array
narr = np.arange(27, dtype=np.dtype("i")).reshape((3, 3, 3))
cdef int [:, :, :] narr_view = narr
# Memoryview on a C array
cdef int carr[3][3][3]
cdef int [:, :, :] carr_view = carr
# Memoryview on a Cython array
cyarr = cvarray(shape=(3, 3, 3), itemsize=sizeof(int), format="i")
cdef int [:, :, :] cyarr_view = cyarr
# Show the sum of all the arrays before altering it
print("NumPy sum of the NumPy array before assignments: %s" % narr.sum())
# We can copy the values from one memoryview into another using a single
# statement, by either indexing with ... or (NumPy-style) with a colon.
carr_view[...] = narr_view
cyarr_view[:] = narr_view
# NumPy-style syntax for assigning a single value to all elements.
narr_view[:, :, :] = 3
# Just to distinguish the arrays
carr_view[0, 0, 0] = 100
cyarr_view[0, 0, 0] = 1000
# Assigning into the memoryview on the NumPy array alters the latter
print("NumPy sum of NumPy array after assignments: %s" % narr.sum())
# A function using a memoryview does not usually need the GIL
cpdef int sum3d(int[:, :, :] arr) nogil:
cdef size_t i, j, k
cdef int total = 0
I = arr.shape[0]
J = arr.shape[1]
K = arr.shape[2]
for i in range(I):
for j in range(J):
for k in range(K):
total += arr[i, j, k]
return total
# A function accepting a memoryview knows how to use a NumPy array,
# a C array, a Cython array...
print("Memoryview sum of NumPy array is %s" % sum3d(narr))
print("Memoryview sum of C array is %s" % sum3d(carr))
print("Memoryview sum of Cython array is %s" % sum3d(cyarr))
# ... and of course, a memoryview.
print("Memoryview sum of C memoryview is %s" % sum3d(carr_view))
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/userguide/memoryviews/quickstart.pyx
This code should give the following output::
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