Commit 2cec986e authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

replace 'const_xyz' work-arounds in standard .pxd files by real 'const' declarations

extra : transplant_source : H%91%CF%08t%B1%908%AE%26%81%1B%F9%2C%9A%3Fh%ECWK
parent ad025649
# 7.11 Localization <locale.h>
cdef extern from *:
ctypedef char const_char "const char"
# deprecated cimport for backwards compatibility:
from .string cimport const_char
cdef extern from "locale.h" nogil:
......@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ cdef extern from "locale.h" nogil:
enum: LC_TIME
# 7.11.1 Locale control
char *setlocale (int CATEGORY, const_char *LOCALE)
char *setlocale (int CATEGORY, const char *LOCALE)
# 7.11.2 Numeric formatting convention inquiry
lconv *localeconv ()
# 7.19 Input/output <stdio.h>
cdef extern from *:
ctypedef char const_char "const char"
ctypedef void const_void "const void"
# deprecated cimports for backwards compatibility:
from .string cimport const_char, const_void
cdef extern from "stdio.h" nogil:
......@@ -13,11 +14,11 @@ cdef extern from "stdio.h" nogil:
FILE *fopen (const_char *FILENAME, const_char *OPENTYPE)
FILE *freopen (const_char *FILENAME, const_char *OPENTYPE, FILE *STREAM)
FILE *fopen (const char *FILENAME, const char *OPENTYPE)
FILE *freopen (const char *FILENAME, const char *OPENTYPE, FILE *STREAM)
int fclose (FILE *STREAM)
int remove (const_char *FILENAME)
int rename (const_char *OLDNAME, const_char *NEWNAME)
int remove (const char *FILENAME)
int rename (const char *OLDNAME, const char *NEWNAME)
FILE *tmpfile ()
enum: _IOFBF
......@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ cdef extern from "stdio.h" nogil:
void setbuf (FILE *STREAM, char *BUF)
size_t fread (void *DATA, size_t SIZE, size_t COUNT, FILE *STREAM)
size_t fwrite (const_void *DATA, size_t SIZE, size_t COUNT, FILE *STREAM)
size_t fwrite (const void *DATA, size_t SIZE, size_t COUNT, FILE *STREAM)
int fflush (FILE *STREAM)
enum: EOF
......@@ -43,23 +44,23 @@ cdef extern from "stdio.h" nogil:
long int ftell (FILE *STREAM)
ctypedef long long int fpos_t
ctypedef fpos_t const_fpos_t "const fpos_t"
ctypedef const fpos_t const_fpos_t "const fpos_t"
int fgetpos (FILE *STREAM, fpos_t *POSITION)
int fsetpos (FILE *STREAM, const_fpos_t *POSITION)
int fsetpos (FILE *STREAM, const fpos_t *POSITION)
int scanf (const_char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int sscanf (const_char *S, const_char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int fscanf (FILE *STREAM, const_char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int scanf (const char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int sscanf (const char *S, const char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int fscanf (FILE *STREAM, const char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int printf (const_char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int sprintf (char *S, const_char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int snprintf (char *S, size_t SIZE, const_char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int fprintf (FILE *STREAM, const_char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int printf (const char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int sprintf (char *S, const char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int snprintf (char *S, size_t SIZE, const char *TEMPLATE, ...)
int fprintf (FILE *STREAM, const char *TEMPLATE, ...)
void perror (const_char *MESSAGE)
void perror (const char *MESSAGE)
char *gets (char *S)
char *fgets (char *S, int COUNT, FILE *STREAM)
int puts (const_char *S)
int fputs (const_char *S, FILE *STREAM)
int puts (const char *S)
int fputs (const char *S, FILE *STREAM)
# 7.20 General utilities <stdlib.h>
cdef extern from *:
ctypedef char const_char "const char"
ctypedef void const_void "const void"
# deprecated cimports for backwards compatibility:
from .string cimport const_char, const_void
cdef extern from "stdlib.h" nogil:
# 7.20.1 Numeric conversion functions
int atoi (const_char *STRING)
long atol (const_char *STRING)
long long atoll (const_char *STRING)
double atof (const_char *STRING)
long strtol (const_char *STRING, char **TAILPTR, int BASE)
unsigned long int strtoul (const_char *STRING, char **TAILPTR, int BASE)
long long int strtoll (const_char *STRING, char **TAILPTR, int BASE)
unsigned long long int strtoull (const_char *STRING, char **TAILPTR, int BASE)
float strtof (const_char *STRING, char **TAILPTR)
double strtod (const_char *STRING, char **TAILPTR)
long double strtold (const_char *STRING, char **TAILPTR)
int atoi (const char *STRING)
long atol (const char *STRING)
long long atoll (const char *STRING)
double atof (const char *STRING)
long strtol (const char *STRING, char **TAILPTR, int BASE)
unsigned long int strtoul (const char *STRING, char **TAILPTR, int BASE)
long long int strtoll (const char *STRING, char **TAILPTR, int BASE)
unsigned long long int strtoull (const char *STRING, char **TAILPTR, int BASE)
float strtof (const char *STRING, char **TAILPTR)
double strtod (const char *STRING, char **TAILPTR)
long double strtold (const char *STRING, char **TAILPTR)
# 7.20.2 Pseudo-random sequence generation functions
enum: RAND_MAX
......@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ cdef extern from "stdlib.h" nogil:
void _Exit (int STATUS)
int atexit (void (*FUNCTION) ())
void abort ()
char *getenv (const_char *NAME)
int system (const_char *COMMAND)
char *getenv (const char *NAME)
int system (const char *COMMAND)
#7.20.5 Searching and sorting utilities
void *bsearch (const_void *KEY, const_void *ARRAY,
void *bsearch (const void *KEY, const void *ARRAY,
size_t COUNT, size_t SIZE,
int (*COMPARE)(const_void *, const_void *))
int (*COMPARE)(const void *, const void *))
void qsort (void *ARRAY, size_t COUNT, size_t SIZE,
int (*COMPARE)(const_void *, const_void *))
int (*COMPARE)(const void *, const void *))
# 7.20.6 Integer arithmetic functions
int abs (int NUMBER)
# 7.21 String handling <string.h>
cdef extern from *:
ctypedef char const_char "const char"
ctypedef signed char const_schar "const signed char"
ctypedef unsigned char const_uchar "const unsigned char"
ctypedef void const_void "const void"
# deprecated backwards compatibility declarations
ctypedef const char const_char "const char"
ctypedef const signed char const_schar "const signed char"
ctypedef const unsigned char const_uchar "const unsigned char"
ctypedef const void const_void "const void"
cdef extern from "string.h" nogil:
void *memcpy (void *TO, const_void *FROM, size_t SIZE)
void *memmove (void *TO, const_void *FROM, size_t SIZE)
void *memcpy (void *TO, const void *FROM, size_t SIZE)
void *memmove (void *TO, const void *FROM, size_t SIZE)
void *memset (void *BLOCK, int C, size_t SIZE)
int memcmp (const_void *A1, const_void *A2, size_t SIZE)
void *memchr (const_void *BLOCK, int C, size_t SIZE)
int memcmp (const void *A1, const void *A2, size_t SIZE)
void *memchr (const void *BLOCK, int C, size_t SIZE)
void *memchr (const_void *BLOCK, int C, size_t SIZE)
void *memrchr (const_void *BLOCK, int C, size_t SIZE)
void *memchr (const void *BLOCK, int C, size_t SIZE)
void *memrchr (const void *BLOCK, int C, size_t SIZE)
size_t strlen (const_char *S)
char *strcpy (char *TO, const_char *FROM)
char *strncpy (char *TO, const_char *FROM, size_t SIZE)
char *strdup (const_char *S)
char *strndup (const_char *S, size_t SIZE)
char *strcat (char *TO, const_char *FROM)
char *strncat (char *TO, const_char *FROM, size_t SIZE)
size_t strlen (const char *S)
char *strcpy (char *TO, const char *FROM)
char *strncpy (char *TO, const char *FROM, size_t SIZE)
char *strdup (const char *S)
char *strndup (const char *S, size_t SIZE)
char *strcat (char *TO, const char *FROM)
char *strncat (char *TO, const char *FROM, size_t SIZE)
int strcmp (const_char *S1, const_char *S2)
int strcasecmp (const_char *S1, const_char *S2)
int strncmp (const_char *S1, const_char *S2, size_t SIZE)
int strncasecmp (const_char *S1, const_char *S2, size_t N)
int strcmp (const char *S1, const char *S2)
int strcasecmp (const char *S1, const char *S2)
int strncmp (const char *S1, const char *S2, size_t SIZE)
int strncasecmp (const char *S1, const char *S2, size_t N)
int strcoll (const_char *S1, const_char *S2)
size_t strxfrm (char *TO, const_char *FROM, size_t SIZE)
int strcoll (const char *S1, const char *S2)
size_t strxfrm (char *TO, const char *FROM, size_t SIZE)
char *strerror (int ERRNUM)
char *strchr (const_char *STRING, int C)
char *strrchr (const_char *STRING, int C)
char *strchr (const char *STRING, int C)
char *strrchr (const char *STRING, int C)
char *strstr (const_char *HAYSTACK, const_char *NEEDLE)
char *strcasestr (const_char *HAYSTACK, const_char *NEEDLE)
char *strstr (const char *HAYSTACK, const char *NEEDLE)
char *strcasestr (const char *HAYSTACK, const char *NEEDLE)
size_t strcspn (const_char *STRING, const_char *STOPSET)
char * strpbrk (const_char *STRING, const_char *STOPSET)
size_t strcspn (const char *STRING, const char *STOPSET)
char * strpbrk (const char *STRING, const char *STOPSET)
char *strtok (char *NEWSTRING, const_char *DELIMITERS)
char *strsep (char **STRING_PTR, const_char *DELIMITER)
char *strtok (char *NEWSTRING, const char *DELIMITERS)
char *strsep (char **STRING_PTR, const char *DELIMITER)
from libc.string cimport const_char
# deprecated cimport for backwards compatibility:
from .string cimport const_char
cdef extern from "<string>" namespace "std":
......@@ -12,8 +15,8 @@ cdef extern from "<string>" namespace "std":
# as a string formed by a repetition of character c, n times.
string(size_t, char) nogil except +
const_char* c_str() nogil
const_char* data() nogil
const char* c_str() nogil
const char* data() nogil
size_t size() nogil
size_t max_size() nogil
size_t length() nogil
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