Commit 3241fbf0 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

removed unused level of indirection from tree visitors to save some processing cycles

parent 8f7b6b8d
cimport cython
cdef class BasicVisitor:
cdef class TreeVisitor:
cdef public list access_path
cdef dict dispatch_table
cpdef visit(self, obj)
cdef _visit(self, obj)
cdef find_handler(self, obj)
cdef class TreeVisitor(BasicVisitor):
cdef public list access_path
cdef _visitchild(self, child, parent, attrname, idx)
cdef dict _visitchildren(self, parent, attrs)
......@@ -11,49 +11,7 @@ import Naming
import Errors
import DebugFlags
class BasicVisitor(object):
"""A generic visitor base class which can be used for visiting any kind of object."""
# Note: If needed, this can be replaced with a more efficient metaclass
# approach, resolving the jump table at module load time rather than per visitor
# instance.
def __init__(self):
self.dispatch_table = {}
def visit(self, obj):
return self._visit(obj)
def _visit(self, obj):
handler_method = self.dispatch_table[type(obj)]
except KeyError:
handler_method = self.find_handler(obj)
self.dispatch_table[type(obj)] = handler_method
return handler_method(obj)
def find_handler(self, obj):
cls = type(obj)
#print "Cache miss for class %s in visitor %s" % (
# cls.__name__, type(self).__name__)
# Must resolve, try entire hierarchy
pattern = "visit_%s"
mro = inspect.getmro(cls)
handler_method = None
for mro_cls in mro:
if hasattr(self, pattern % mro_cls.__name__):
handler_method = getattr(self, pattern % mro_cls.__name__)
if handler_method is None:
print type(self), cls
if hasattr(self, 'access_path') and self.access_path:
print self.access_path
if self.access_path:
print self.access_path[-1][0].pos
print self.access_path[-1][0].__dict__
raise RuntimeError("Visitor %r does not accept object: %s" % (self, obj))
#print "Caching " + cls.__name__
return handler_method
class TreeVisitor(BasicVisitor):
class TreeVisitor(object):
Base class for writing visitors for a Cython tree, contains utilities for
recursing such trees using visitors. Each node is
......@@ -96,9 +54,9 @@ class TreeVisitor(BasicVisitor):
out 3
out 0
def __init__(self):
super(TreeVisitor, self).__init__()
self.dispatch_table = {}
self.access_path = []
def dump_node(self, node, indent=0):
......@@ -176,10 +134,47 @@ class TreeVisitor(BasicVisitor):
last_node.pos, self.__class__.__name__,
u'\n'.join(trace), e, stacktrace)
def find_handler(self, obj):
# to resolve, try entire hierarchy
cls = type(obj)
pattern = "visit_%s"
mro = inspect.getmro(cls)
handler_method = None
for mro_cls in mro:
if hasattr(self, pattern % mro_cls.__name__):
handler_method = getattr(self, pattern % mro_cls.__name__)
if handler_method is None:
print type(self), cls
if hasattr(self, 'access_path') and self.access_path:
print self.access_path
if self.access_path:
print self.access_path[-1][0].pos
print self.access_path[-1][0].__dict__
raise RuntimeError("Visitor %r does not accept object: %s" % (self, obj))
#print "Caching " + cls.__name__
return handler_method
def visit(self, obj):
return self._visit(obj)
def _visit(self, obj):
handler_method = self.dispatch_table[type(obj)]
except KeyError:
handler_method = self.find_handler(obj)
self.dispatch_table[type(obj)] = handler_method
return handler_method(obj)
def _visitchild(self, child, parent, attrname, idx):
self.access_path.append((parent, attrname, idx))
result = self._visit(child)
handler_method = self.dispatch_table[type(child)]
except KeyError:
handler_method = self.find_handler(child)
self.dispatch_table[type(child)] = handler_method
result = handler_method(child)
except Errors.CompileError:
except Exception, e:
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