Commit 3423050d authored by zaur's avatar zaur

Merge branch 'master' of git://

parents 2869cc7d de667b62
from Cython.Compiler.ModuleNode import ModuleNode
from Cython.Compiler.Symtab import ModuleScope
from Cython.TestUtils import TransformTest
from Cython.Compiler.Visitor import MethodDispatcherTransform
from Cython.Compiler.ParseTreeTransforms import (
NormalizeTree, AnalyseDeclarationsTransform,
AnalyseExpressionsTransform, InterpretCompilerDirectives)
class TestMethodDispatcherTransform(TransformTest):
_tree = None
def _build_tree(self):
if self._tree is None:
context = None
def fake_module(node):
scope = ModuleScope('test', None, None)
return ModuleNode(node.pos, doc=None, body=node,
scope=scope, full_module_name='test',
pipeline = [
InterpretCompilerDirectives(context, {}),
self._tree = self.run_pipeline(pipeline, u"""
cdef bytes s = b'asdfg'
cdef dict d = {1:2}
x = s * 3
return self._tree
def test_builtin_method(self):
calls = [0]
class Test(MethodDispatcherTransform):
def _handle_simple_method_dict_get(self, node, args, unbound):
calls[0] += 1
return node
tree = self._build_tree()
self.assertEqual(1, calls[0])
def test_binop_method(self):
calls = {'bytes': 0, 'object': 0}
class Test(MethodDispatcherTransform):
def _handle_simple_method_bytes___mul__(self, node, args, unbound):
calls['bytes'] += 1
return node
def _handle_simple_method_object___mul__(self, node, args, unbound):
calls['object'] += 1
return node
tree = self._build_tree()
self.assertEqual(1, calls['bytes'])
self.assertEqual(0, calls['object'])
......@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ cdef class EnvTransform(CythonTransform):
cdef class MethodDispatcherTransform(EnvTransform):
cdef _find_handler(self, match_name, bint has_kwargs)
cdef _dispatch_to_handler(self, node, function, arg_list, kwargs=*)
cdef _dispatch_to_handler(self, node, function, arg_list, kwargs)
cdef _dispatch_to_method_handler(self, attr_name, self_arg,
is_unbound_method, type_name,
node, arg_list, kwargs)
cdef class RecursiveNodeReplacer(VisitorTransform):
cdef public orig_node
......@@ -420,11 +420,43 @@ class NodeRefCleanupMixin(object):
return replacement
find_special_method_for_binary_operator = {
'<': '__lt__',
'<=': '__le__',
'==': '__eq__',
'!=': '__ne__',
'>=': '__ge__',
'>': '__gt__',
'+': '__add__',
'&': '__and__',
'/': '__truediv__',
'//': '__floordiv__',
'<<': '__lshift__',
'%': '__mod__',
'*': '__mul__',
'|': '__or__',
'**': '__pow__',
'>>': '__rshift__',
'-': '__sub__',
'^': '__xor__',
'in': '__contains__',
find_special_method_for_unary_operator = {
'not': '__not__',
'~': '__inv__',
'-': '__neg__',
'+': '__pos__',
class MethodDispatcherTransform(EnvTransform):
Base class for transformations that want to intercept on specific
builtin functions or methods of builtin types. Must run after
declaration analysis when entries were assigned.
builtin functions or methods of builtin types, including special
methods triggered by Python operators. Must run after declaration
analysis when entries were assigned.
Naming pattern for handler methods is as follows:
......@@ -432,7 +464,7 @@ class MethodDispatcherTransform(EnvTransform):
* builtin methods: _handle_(general|simple|any)_method_TYPENAME_METHODNAME
# only visit call nodes
# only visit call nodes and Python operations
def visit_GeneralCallNode(self, node):
function = node.function
......@@ -446,8 +478,7 @@ class MethodDispatcherTransform(EnvTransform):
# can't handle **kwargs
return node
args = arg_tuple.args
return self._dispatch_to_handler(
node, function, args, keyword_args)
return self._dispatch_to_handler(node, function, args, keyword_args)
def visit_SimpleCallNode(self, node):
......@@ -459,8 +490,40 @@ class MethodDispatcherTransform(EnvTransform):
args = arg_tuple.args
args = node.args
return self._dispatch_to_handler(
node, function, args)
return self._dispatch_to_handler(node, function, args, None)
def visit_BinopNode(self, node):
# FIXME: could special case 'not_in'
special_method_name = find_special_method_for_binary_operator(node.operator)
if special_method_name:
operand1, operand2 = node.operand1, node.operand2
if special_method_name == '__contains__':
operand1, operand2 = operand2, operand1
obj_type = operand1.type
if obj_type.is_builtin_type:
type_name =
type_name = "object" # safety measure
node = self._dispatch_to_method_handler(
special_method_name, None, False, type_name,
node, [operand1, operand2], None)
return node
def visit_UnopNode(self, node):
special_method_name = find_special_method_for_unary_operator(node.operator)
if special_method_name:
operand = node.operand
obj_type = operand.type
if obj_type.is_builtin_type:
type_name =
type_name = "object" # safety measure
node = self._dispatch_to_method_handler(
special_method_name, None, False, type_name,
node, [operand], None)
return node
### dispatch to specific handlers
......@@ -471,7 +534,7 @@ class MethodDispatcherTransform(EnvTransform):
handler = getattr(self, '_handle_any_%s' % match_name, None)
return handler
def _dispatch_to_handler(self, node, function, arg_list, kwargs=None):
def _dispatch_to_handler(self, node, function, arg_list, kwargs):
if function.is_name:
# we only consider functions that are either builtin
# Python functions or builtins that were already replaced
......@@ -500,31 +563,38 @@ class MethodDispatcherTransform(EnvTransform):
arg_list and arg_list[0].type.is_pyobject):
# calling an unbound method like 'list.append(L,x)'
# (ignoring 'type.mro()' here ...)
type_name =
type_name =
self_arg = None
is_unbound_method = True
type_name =
type_name = "object" # safety measure
method_handler = self._find_handler(
"method_%s_%s" % (type_name, attr_name), kwargs)
if method_handler is None:
if attr_name in TypeSlots.method_name_to_slot\
or attr_name == '__new__':
method_handler = self._find_handler(
"slot%s" % attr_name, kwargs)
if method_handler is None:
return node
if self_arg is not None:
arg_list = [self_arg] + list(arg_list)
if kwargs:
return method_handler(node, arg_list, kwargs, is_unbound_method)
return method_handler(node, arg_list, is_unbound_method)
type_name = "object" # safety measure
return self._dispatch_to_method_handler(
attr_name, self_arg, is_unbound_method, type_name,
node, arg_list, kwargs)
return node
def _dispatch_to_method_handler(self, attr_name, self_arg,
is_unbound_method, type_name,
node, arg_list, kwargs):
method_handler = self._find_handler(
"method_%s_%s" % (type_name, attr_name), kwargs)
if method_handler is None:
if (attr_name in TypeSlots.method_name_to_slot
or attr_name == '__new__'):
method_handler = self._find_handler(
"slot%s" % attr_name, kwargs)
if method_handler is None:
return node
if self_arg is not None:
arg_list = [self_arg] + list(arg_list)
if kwargs:
return method_handler(node, arg_list, kwargs, is_unbound_method)
return method_handler(node, arg_list, is_unbound_method)
class RecursiveNodeReplacer(VisitorTransform):
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