Commit 39b1a034 authored by Bradley M. Froehle's avatar Bradley M. Froehle

Search for pxd files in sys.path.

parent 6f343d9c
No related merge requests found
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class Context(object):
# the directory containing the source file is searched first
# for a dotted filename, and its containing package root
# directory is searched first for a non-dotted filename.
pxd = self.search_include_directories(qualified_name, ".pxd", pos)
pxd = self.search_include_directories(qualified_name, ".pxd", pos, sys_path=True)
if pxd is None: # XXX Keep this until Includes/Deprecated is removed
if (qualified_name.startswith('python') or
qualified_name in ('stdlib', 'stdio', 'stl')):
......@@ -221,13 +221,16 @@ class Context(object):
return path
def search_include_directories(self, qualified_name, suffix, pos,
include=False, sys_path=False):
# Search the list of include directories for the given
# file name. If a source file position is given, first
# searches the directory containing that file. Returns
# None if not found, but does not report an error.
# The 'include' option will disable package dereferencing.
# If 'sys_path' is True, also search sys.path.
dirs = self.include_directories
if sys_path:
dirs = dirs + sys.path
if pos:
file_desc = pos[0]
if not isinstance(file_desc, FileSourceDescriptor):
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