Commit 3beaa8e5 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

allow GenericBoolBinopNode to coerce back to BoolBinopNode for boolean results

parent c3346c6e
......@@ -9669,14 +9669,15 @@ class BoolBinopNode(ExprNode):
def coerce_to(self, dst_type, env):
if not dst_type.is_pyobject:
if self.operand1.is_ephemeral() or self.operand2.is_ephemeral():
error(self.pos, "Unsafe C derivative of temporary Python reference used in and/or expression")
if dst_type is PyrexTypes.c_bint_type:
return self.coerce_to_boolean(env)
return GenericBoolBinopNode.from_node(
self, env=env, type=dst_type,
operator=self.operator, operand1=self.operand1, operand2=self.operand2)
def is_ephemeral(self):
return self.operand1.is_ephemeral() or self.operand2.is_ephemeral()
def analyse_types(self, env):
# Note: we do not do any coercion here as we most likely do not know the final type anyway.
# We even accept to set self.type to ErrorType if both operands do not have a spanning type.
......@@ -9757,6 +9758,10 @@ class BoolBinopResultNode(ExprNode):
arg.pos, arg=arg, type=result_type,
value=CloneNode(arg).coerce_to(result_type, env).coerce_to_simple(env))
def coerce_to_boolean(self, env):
# coercing to simple boolean case after being instantiated => replace by simple coerced result
return self.arg.arg.coerce_to_boolean(env)
def generate_operand_test(self, code):
# Generate code to test the truth of the first operand.
if self.arg.type.is_pyobject:
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