Commit 3e0a3b71 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Merge -dagss and -devel

parents ad1bed63 1c40290b
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ builtin_function_table = [
builtin_types_table = [
("type", "PyType_Type", []),
# ("str", "PyString_Type", []),
# ("str", "PyBytes_Type", []),
("unicode", "PyUnicode_Type", []),
("file", "PyFile_Type", []),
# ("slice", "PySlice_Type", []),
......@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ Options:
-I, --include-dir <directory> Search for include files in named directory
(multiply include directories are allowed).
-o, --output-file <filename> Specify name of generated C file
-r, --recursive Recursively find and compile dependencies
-t, --timestamps Only compile newer source files (implied with -r)
-f, --force Compile all source files (overrides implied -t)
-q, --quiet Don't print module names in recursive mode
-p, --embed-positions If specified, the positions in Cython files of each
function definition is embedded in its docstring.
-z, --pre-import <module> If specified, assume undeclared names in this
......@@ -111,6 +115,12 @@ def parse_command_line(args):
options.working_path = pop_arg()
elif option in ("-o", "--output-file"):
options.output_file = pop_arg()
elif option in ("-r", "--recursive"):
options.recursive = 1
elif option in ("-t", "--timestamps"):
options.timestamps = 1
elif option in ("-f", "--force"):
options.timestamps = 0
elif option in ("-p", "--embed-positions"):
Options.embed_pos_in_docstring = 1
elif option in ("-z", "--pre-import"):
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
if self.has_imported_c_functions():
self.module_temp_cname = env.allocate_temp_pyobject()
self.generate_dep_file(env, result)
self.generate_c_code(env, options, result)
self.generate_h_code(env, options, result)
self.generate_api_code(env, result)
......@@ -65,6 +66,20 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
return 1
return 0
def generate_dep_file(self, env, result):
modules = self.referenced_modules
if len(modules) > 1 or env.included_files:
dep_file = replace_suffix(result.c_file, ".dep")
f = open(dep_file, "w")
for module in modules:
if module is not env:
f.write("cimport %s\n" % module.qualified_name)
for path in module.included_files:
f.write("include %s\n" % path)
def generate_h_code(self, env, options, result):
def h_entries(entries, pxd = 0):
return [entry for entry in entries
......@@ -348,12 +363,14 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
def generate_declarations_for_modules(self, env, modules, code):
code.putln("/* Declarations */")
code.putln("/* Type declarations */")
vtab_list, vtabslot_list = self.sort_type_hierarchy(modules, env)
env, modules, vtab_list, vtabslot_list, code)
for module in modules:
defined_here = module is env
code.putln("/* Module declarations from %s */" %
module.qualified_name.encode("ASCII", "ignore"))
self.generate_global_declarations(module, code, defined_here)
self.generate_cfunction_predeclarations(module, code, defined_here)
......@@ -440,6 +457,8 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
code.putln(" #define PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask PyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask")
code.putln(" #define PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLongMask PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask")
code.putln(" #define PyNumber_Divide(x,y) PyNumber_TrueDivide(x,y)")
code.putln(" #define PyBytes_Type PyString_Type")
code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3")
......@@ -686,8 +705,9 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
code.put_var_declarations(env.var_entries, static = 1,
dll_linkage = "DL_EXPORT", definition = definition)
code.put_var_declarations(env.default_entries, static = 1,
definition = definition)
if definition:
code.put_var_declarations(env.default_entries, static = 1,
definition = definition)
def generate_cfunction_predeclarations(self, env, code, definition):
for entry in env.cfunc_entries:
......@@ -2124,8 +2144,13 @@ __Pyx_import_all_from(PyObject *locals, PyObject *v)
if (skip_leading_underscores &&
PyString_Check(name) &&
PyString_AS_STRING(name)[0] == '_')
PyUnicode_Check(name) &&
PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(name)[0] == '_')
......@@ -2147,10 +2172,11 @@ __Pyx_import_all_from(PyObject *locals, PyObject *v)
static int %s(PyObject* m) {
static int %(IMPORT_STAR)s(PyObject* m) {
int i;
int ret = -1;
char* s;
PyObject *locals = 0;
PyObject *list = 0;
PyObject *name;
......@@ -2163,7 +2189,13 @@ static int %s(PyObject* m) {
for(i=0; i<PyList_GET_SIZE(list); i++) {
name = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(PyList_GET_ITEM(list, i), 0);
item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(PyList_GET_ITEM(list, i), 1);
if (%s(item, name, PyString_AsString(name)) < 0) goto bad;
s = PyString_AsString(name);
s = PyUnicode_AsString(name);
if (!s) goto bad;
if (%(IMPORT_STAR_SET)s(item, name, s) < 0) goto bad;
ret = 0;
......@@ -2172,4 +2204,5 @@ bad:
return ret;
""" % ( Naming.import_star, Naming.import_star_set )
""" % {'IMPORT_STAR' : Naming.import_star,
'IMPORT_STAR_SET' : Naming.import_star_set }
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -695,9 +695,10 @@ class CFuncType(CType):
return 0
if not self.same_calling_convention_as(other_type):
return 0
if self.nogil and not other_type.nogil:
return 0
return 1
def compatible_signature_with(self, other_type, as_cmethod = 0):
return self.compatible_signature_with_resolved_type(other_type.resolve(), as_cmethod)
......@@ -789,22 +790,24 @@ class CFuncType(CType):
arg_decl_code = ", ".join(arg_decl_list)
if not arg_decl_code and not pyrex:
arg_decl_code = "void"
exc_clause = ""
trailer = ""
if (pyrex or for_display) and not self.return_type.is_pyobject:
if self.exception_value and self.exception_check:
exc_clause = " except? %s" % self.exception_value
trailer = " except? %s" % self.exception_value
elif self.exception_value:
exc_clause = " except %s" % self.exception_value
trailer = " except %s" % self.exception_value
elif self.exception_check == '+':
exc_clause = " except +"
trailer = " except +"
" except *"
" except *" # ignored
if self.nogil:
trailer += " nogil"
cc = self.calling_convention_prefix()
if (not entity_code and cc) or entity_code.startswith("*"):
entity_code = "(%s%s)" % (cc, entity_code)
cc = ""
return self.return_type.declaration_code(
"%s%s(%s)%s" % (cc, entity_code, arg_decl_code, exc_clause),
"%s%s(%s)%s" % (cc, entity_code, arg_decl_code, trailer),
for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
def function_header_code(self, func_name, arg_code):
......@@ -284,11 +284,10 @@ class PyrexScanner(Scanner):
# compile_time_env dict Environment for conditional compilation
# compile_time_eval boolean In a true conditional compilation context
# compile_time_expr boolean In a compile-time expression context
resword_dict = build_resword_dict()
def __init__(self, file, filename, parent_scanner = None,
type_names = None, context = None, source_encoding=None):
type_names = None, context = None, source_encoding=None):
Scanner.__init__(self, get_lexicon(), file, filename)
if parent_scanner:
self.context = parent_scanner.context
......@@ -150,12 +150,14 @@ class Scope:
# pystring_entries [Entry] String const entries newly used as
# Python strings in this scope
# control_flow ControlFlow Used for keeping track of environment state
# nogil boolean In a nogil section
is_py_class_scope = 0
is_c_class_scope = 0
is_module_scope = 0
scope_prefix = ""
in_cinclude = 0
nogil = 0
def __init__(self, name, outer_scope, parent_scope):
# The outer_scope is the next scope in the lookup chain.
......@@ -554,10 +556,6 @@ class Scope:
return [entry for entry in self.temp_entries
if entry not in self.free_temp_entries]
#def recycle_pending_temps(self):
# # Obsolete
# pass
def use_utility_code(self, new_code):
......@@ -652,7 +650,7 @@ class BuiltinScope(Scope):
"long": ["((PyObject*)&PyLong_Type)", py_object_type],
"float": ["((PyObject*)&PyFloat_Type)", py_object_type],
"str": ["((PyObject*)&PyString_Type)", py_object_type],
"str": ["((PyObject*)&PyBytes_Type)", py_object_type],
"unicode":["((PyObject*)&PyUnicode_Type)", py_object_type],
"tuple": ["((PyObject*)&PyTuple_Type)", py_object_type],
"list": ["((PyObject*)&PyList_Type)", py_object_type],
......@@ -687,6 +685,7 @@ class ModuleScope(Scope):
# parent_module Scope Parent in the import namespace
# module_entries {string : Entry} For cimport statements
# type_names {string : 1} Set of type names (used during parsing)
# included_files [string] Cython sources included with 'include'
# pxd_file_loaded boolean Corresponding .pxd file has been processed
# cimported_modules [ModuleScope] Modules imported with cimport
# new_interned_string_entries [Entry] New interned strings waiting to be declared
......@@ -723,6 +722,7 @@ class ModuleScope(Scope):
self.interned_objs = []
self.all_pystring_entries = []
self.types_imported = {}
self.included_files = []
self.pynum_entries = []
self.has_extern_class = 0
self.cached_builtins = []
......@@ -1326,6 +1326,7 @@ class CClassScope(ClassScope):
# entry.type = type
error(pos, "Signature not compatible with previous declaration")
error(entry.pos, "Previous declaration is here")
if self.defined:
......@@ -1365,8 +1366,8 @@ class CClassScope(ClassScope):
entry.is_variable = 1
for base_entry in base_scope.cfunc_entries:
entry = self.add_cfunction(, base_entry.type, None,
adapt(base_entry.cname), base_entry.visibility)
entry = self.add_cfunction(, base_entry.type,
base_entry.pos, adapt(base_entry.cname), base_entry.visibility)
entry.is_inherited = 1
def allocate_temp(self, type):
......@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ class FixedSlot(SlotDescriptor):
# value string
def __init__(self, slot_name, value):
SlotDescriptor.__init__(self, slot_name)
def __init__(self, slot_name, value, py3k=True):
SlotDescriptor.__init__(self, slot_name, py3k=py3k)
self.value = value
def slot_code(self, scope):
......@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ class FixedSlot(SlotDescriptor):
class EmptySlot(FixedSlot):
# Descriptor for a type slot whose value is always 0.
def __init__(self, slot_name):
FixedSlot.__init__(self, slot_name, "0")
def __init__(self, slot_name, py3k=True):
FixedSlot.__init__(self, slot_name, "0", py3k=py3k)
class MethodSlot(SlotDescriptor):
......@@ -553,12 +553,12 @@ PyNumberMethods = (
MethodSlot(binaryfunc, "nb_and", "__and__"),
MethodSlot(binaryfunc, "nb_xor", "__xor__"),
MethodSlot(binaryfunc, "nb_or", "__or__"),
EmptySlot("nb_coerce", py3k = False),
MethodSlot(unaryfunc, "nb_int", "__int__"),
MethodSlot(unaryfunc, "nb_long", "__long__"),
MethodSlot(unaryfunc, "nb_float", "__float__"),
MethodSlot(unaryfunc, "nb_oct", "__oct__"),
MethodSlot(unaryfunc, "nb_hex", "__hex__"),
MethodSlot(unaryfunc, "nb_oct", "__oct__", py3k = False),
MethodSlot(unaryfunc, "nb_hex", "__hex__", py3k = False),
# Added in release 2.0
MethodSlot(ibinaryfunc, "nb_inplace_add", "__iadd__"),
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ def castrate_file(path, st):
except EnvironmentError:
#st = os.stat(path), 0)
......@@ -33,6 +32,14 @@ def castrate_file(path, st):
if st:
os.utime(path, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime))
def modification_time(path):
st = os.stat(path)
return st.st_mtime
def file_newer_than(path, time):
ftime = modification_time(path)
return ftime > time
# support for source file encoding detection and unicode decoding
def encode_filename(filename):
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ CFLAGS = os.getenv('CFLAGS', '').split()
class ErrorWriter(object):
match_error = re.compile('(warning:)?(?:.*:)?([-0-9]+):([-0-9]+):(.*)').match
match_error = re.compile('(warning:)?(?:.*:)?\s*([-0-9]+)\s*:\s*([-0-9]+)\s*:\s*(.*)').match
def __init__(self):
self.output = []
self.write = self.output.append
......@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ class ErrorWriter(object):
is_warning, line, column, message = match.groups()
if (is_warning and collect_warnings) or \
(not is_warning and collect_errors):
result.append( "%d:%d:%s" % (int(line), int(column), message.strip()) )
return result
result.append( (int(line), int(column), message.strip()) )
return [ "%d:%d: %s" % values for values in result ]
def geterrors(self):
return self._collect(True, False)
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ cdef class Swallow:
def f(Grail g):
cdef int i
cdef int i = 0
cdef Swallow s
g = x
x = g
void e1(void);
void *e2(void);
cdef extern void g(int x) nogil
cdef extern object g(object x) nogil
cdef extern void g2(object x) nogil
cdef extern from "nogil.h":
void e1() nogil
int *e2() nogil
cdef void f(int x) nogil:
cdef int y
y = 42
cdef int y
y = 42
cdef void h(object x) nogil:
cdef void *p
p = <void *>x
def f(a, b):
cdef int i
cdef int i = 5
while a:
x = 1
......@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ def f(a, b):
x = 1
x = 2
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@ cdef void f() with gil:
cdef int g(void* x) with gil:
cdef class C:
cdef void f(self):
cdef class D(C):
cdef void f(self, int x):
_ERRORS = u"""
6: 9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
2: 9: Previous declaration is here
cdef object f(object x) nogil:
cdef void g(int x) nogil:
cdef object z
z = None
cdef void h(int x) nogil:
cdef object p() nogil:
cdef void r() nogil:
cdef object m():
cdef object x, y, obj
cdef int i, j, k
global fred
with nogil:
i = 42
obj = None
import fred
from fred import obj
for x in obj:
(x, y)
[x, y]
{x: y}
obj and x
# f(42) # Cython handles this internally
x + obj
x = y = obj
x, y = y, x
obj[i] = x
obj.fred = x
print obj
del fred
return obj
raise obj
if obj:
while obj:
for x <= obj <= y:
cdef void q():
cdef class C:
cdef void t(C c) nogil:
_ERRORS = u"""
1: 5: Function with Python return type cannot be declared nogil
6: 6: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
4: 5: Function declared nogil has Python locals or temporaries
8: 5: Function declared nogil has Python locals or temporaries
11: 5: Function with Python return type cannot be declared nogil
15: 5: Calling gil-requiring function without gil
24: 9: Calling gil-requiring function without gil
26:12: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
27: 8: Constructing Python long int not allowed without gil
28: 8: Constructing complex number not allowed without gil
29:12: Accessing Python global or builtin not allowed without gil
30: 8: Backquote expression not allowed without gil
31:15: Python import not allowed without gil
31:15: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
32:13: Python import not allowed without gil
32:25: Constructing Python list not allowed without gil
33:17: Iterating over Python object not allowed without gil
35:11: Indexing Python object not allowed without gil
36:11: Slicing Python object not allowed without gil
37:11: Constructing Python slice object not allowed without gil
37:11: Indexing Python object not allowed without gil
37:13: Converting to Python object not allowed without gil
37:15: Converting to Python object not allowed without gil
37:17: Converting to Python object not allowed without gil
38:11: Accessing Python attribute not allowed without gil
39: 9: Constructing Python tuple not allowed without gil
40: 8: Constructing Python list not allowed without gil
41: 8: Constructing Python dict not allowed without gil
42:12: Creating temporary Python reference not allowed without gil
42:12: Truth-testing Python object not allowed without gil
42:17: Creating temporary Python reference not allowed without gil
43:13: Python type test not allowed without gil
#44: 4: Converting to Python object not allowed without gil
45:10: Operation not allowed without gil
46: 8: Operation not allowed without gil
47:10: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
47:14: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
48: 9: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
48:13: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
48:16: Creating temporary Python reference not allowed without gil
48:19: Creating temporary Python reference not allowed without gil
49:11: Indexing Python object not allowed without gil
49:11: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
50:11: Accessing Python attribute not allowed without gil
50:11: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
51: 8: Constructing Python tuple not allowed without gil
51: 8: Python print statement not allowed without gil
52: 8: Deleting Python object not allowed without gil
53: 8: Returning Python object not allowed without gil
54: 8: Raising exception not allowed without gil
55:14: Truth-testing Python object not allowed without gil
57:17: Truth-testing Python object not allowed without gil
59: 8: Converting to Python object not allowed without gil
61: 8: Try-except statement not allowed without gil
65: 8: Try-finally statement not allowed without gil
cdef extern from *:
cdef void f()
cdef void (*fp)() nogil
cdef void g() nogil
cdef void (*gp)()
gp = g
fp = f
_ERRORS = u"""
10:6: Cannot assign type 'void (void)' to 'void (*)(void) nogil'
__doc__ = u"""
>>> test()
neg -1
pos 4294967294
neg False
pos True
......@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ def test():
cdef long neg = -1
cdef unsigned long pos = -2 # will be a large positive number
print "neg", neg
print "pos", pos
print "neg", neg > 0
print "pos", pos > -
D = { neg: 'neg', pos: 'pos' }
__doc__ = u"""
>>> foo(0)
>>> foo(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
cdef int CHKERR(int ierr) except -1:
if ierr==0: return 0
raise RuntimeError
cdef int obj2int(object ob) except *:
return ob
def foo(a):
cdef int i = obj2int(a)
__doc__ = u"""
>>> f(5, 7)
>>> g(13, 4)
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ __doc__ = u"""
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
__doc__ = __doc__.replace(u"L", u"")
def f(a,b):
a += b
a *= b
......@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ __doc__ = u"""
>>> modint(9,2)
>>> print modptr()
def modobj(obj2, obj3):
......@@ -17,11 +20,10 @@ def modint(int int2, int int3):
int1 = int2 % int3
return int1
cdef modptr():
# FIXME!!!
def modptr():
cdef char *str2, *str3
str2 = "spam"
str2 = "spam%s"
str3 = "eggs"
obj1 = str2 % str3
return obj1
return obj1.decode(u"ASCII")
__doc__ = u"""
>>> test()
cdef grail(char *blarg, ...):
def test():
grail("test", "toast")
......@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ def g():
return 1
cdef int h() except -1:
cdef int h() nogil except -1:
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