Commit 44cb0487 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Add unit test for cypclass identity checks with mismatched types

parent 2b72cc71
# mode: run
# tag: cpp, cpp11
# cython: experimental_cpp_class_def=True, language_level=2
cdef cypclass LeftBase:
cdef cypclass RightBase:
cdef cypclass Derived(LeftBase, RightBase):
def test_is_cypclass():
>>> test_is_cypclass()
(True, True, True, True)
d = Derived()
l = <LeftBase> d
r = <RightBase> d
return d is d, l is d, r is d, l is r
def test_is_cypclass_const():
>>> test_is_cypclass_const()
(True, True, True, True)
cdef const Derived d = Derived()
cdef const LeftBase l = <LeftBase> d
cdef const RightBase r = <RightBase> d
return d is d, l is d, r is d, l is r
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