Commit 45853041 authored by Michael Helmling's avatar Michael Helmling

Add method of setting compiler directives

parent 4bd204aa
No related merge requests found
......@@ -454,3 +454,21 @@ statement, like this::
.. Warning:: These two methods of setting directives are **not**
affected by overriding the directive on the command-line using the
-X option.
In :file:``
Compiler directives can also be set in the :file:`` file by passing a keyword
argument to ``cythonize``::
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
name = "My hello app",
ext_modules = cythonize('hello.pyx', compiler_directives={'embedsignature': True}),
This will override the default directives as specified in the ``compiler_directives`` dictionary.
Note that explicit per-file or local directives as explained above take precedence over the
values passed to ``cythonize``.
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