Commit 538fa670 authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson

Update memoryview documentation

parent 3b609241
......@@ -185,24 +185,18 @@ contiguous slice (or a strided slice). It can be used like::
my_array = cython.array(shape=(10, 2), itemsize=sizeof(int), format="i")
cdef int[:, :] my_slice = my_array
It also takes an optional argument `mode` ('c' or 'fortran') and a boolean `allocate_buffer`, that indicates
whether a buffer should be allocated::
It also takes an optional argument `mode` ('c' or 'fortran') and a boolean `allocate_buffer`, that indicates whether a buffer should be allocated and freed when it goes out of scope::
cdef cython.array my_array = cython.array(..., mode="fortran", allocate_buffer=False) = <char *> my_data_pointer
# optionally, define a function that can deallocate the data, otherwise
# cython.array will call free() on it
cdef void my_callback(char *data):
... free data if necessary
my_array.callback_free_data = my_callback
# define a function that can deallocate the data (if needed)
my_array.callback_free_data = free
You can also cast pointers to arrays::
cdef cython.array my_array = <int[:10, :2]> my_data_pointer
Again, when the array will go out of scope, it will free the data, unless you register a callback like above.
Of course, you can also immidiately assign a cython.array to a typed memoryview slice.
The arrays are indexable and slicable from Python space just like memoryview objects, and have the same
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