Commit 5c6d28fd authored by Lisandro Dalcin's avatar Lisandro Dalcin

add custom distutils build_ext command ignoring C compiler failues when building Cython

parent a5f4943e
......@@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ try:
except ValueError:
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as build_ext_orig
class build_ext(build_ext_orig):
def build_extension(self, ext, *args, **kargs):
build_ext_orig.build_extension(self, ext, *args, **kargs)
except StandardError:
print("Compilation of '%s' failed" % ext.sources[0])
from Cython.Compiler.Main import compile
source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
compiled_modules = ["Cython.Plex.Scanners",
......@@ -48,6 +55,7 @@ except ValueError:
print("Compilation failed")
if extensions:
setup_args['ext_modules'] = extensions
setup_args['cmdclass'] = {"build_ext" : build_ext}
except Exception:
print("ERROR: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])
print("Extension module compilation failed, using plain Python implementation")
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