Commit 65d083d1 authored by smutch's avatar smutch Committed by Stefan Behnel

Use platform dependent test for "unpacked_struct_with_arrays" (GH-3621)

parent 4ca10b5f
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import struct
# Tests buffer format string parsing.
......@@ -442,7 +443,10 @@ def packed_struct_with_arrays(fmt):
def unpacked_struct_with_arrays(fmt):
>>> unpacked_struct_with_arrays("T{i:a:(8)f:b:f:c:Q:d:(5)i:e:i:f:i:g:xxxx(4)d:h:i:i:}")
>>> if struct.calcsize('P') == 8: # 64 bit
... unpacked_struct_with_arrays("T{i:a:(8)f:b:f:c:Q:d:(5)i:e:i:f:i:g:xxxx(4)d:h:i:i:}")
... elif struct.calcsize('P') == 4: # 32 bit
... unpacked_struct_with_arrays("T{i:a:(8)f:b:f:c:Q:d:(5)i:e:i:f:i:g:(4)d:h:i:i:}")
cdef object[UnpackedStructWithArrays] buf = MockBuffer(
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