Commit 67b8e8f2 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Merge pull request #68 from larsmans/docfixes

DOC improve parallel/OpenMP section
parents 8f5fd6c0 2835d9d7
......@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ Cython's entire documentation suite is currently being overhauled.
For the time being, I'll use this page to post notes.
The previous Cython documentation files are hosted at
The previous Cython documentation files are hosted at
1) Some css work should definately be done.
1) Some css work should definitely be done.
2) Use local 'top-of-page' contents rather than the sidebar, imo.
3) Provide a link from each (sub)section to the TOC of the page.
4) Fix cython highlighter for cdef blocks
[brain dump]
The "Old Cython Users Guide" is a derivative of the old Pyrex documentation.
It underwent substantial editing by Peter Alexandar
to become the Reference Guide, which is oriented around bullet points
and lists rather than prose. This transition was incomplete.
At nearly the same time, Robert, Dag, and Stefan wrote a tutorial as
part of the SciPy proceedings. It was felt that the content there was
cleaner and more up to date than anything else, and this became the
basis for the "Getting Started" and "Tutorials" sections. However,
it simply doesn't have as much content as the old documentation used to.
Eventually, it seems all of the old users manual could be whittled
down into independent tutorial topics. Much discussion of what we'd
like to see is at
There is currently a huge amount of redundancy, but no one section has
it all.
Also, we should go through the wiki enhancement proposal list
and make sure to transfer the (done) ones into the user manual.
......@@ -420,6 +420,8 @@ Cython provides facilities for releasing the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
before calling C code, and for acquiring the GIL in functions that are to be
called back from C code that is executed without the GIL.
.. _nogil:
Releasing the GIL
......@@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ Using Parallelism
Cython supports native parallelism through the :py:mod:`cython.parallel`
module. To use this kind of parallelism, the GIL must be released. It
currently supports OpenMP, but later on more backends might be supported.
module. To use this kind of parallelism, the GIL must be released
(see :ref:`Releasing the GIL <nogil>`).
It currently supports OpenMP, but later on more backends might be supported.
__ nogil_
.. function:: prange([start,] stop[, step], nogil=False, schedule=None)
......@@ -59,11 +62,11 @@ currently supports OpenMP, but later on more backends might be supported.
The default schedule is implementation defined. For more information consult
the OpenMP specification: [#]_.
the OpenMP specification [#]_.
Example with a reduction::
from cython.parallel import prange, parallel, threadid
from cython.parallel import prange
cdef int i
cdef int sum = 0
......@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ currently supports OpenMP, but later on more backends might be supported.
Example with a shared numpy array::
from cython.parallel import *
from cython.parallel import prange
def func(np.ndarray[double] x, double alpha):
cdef Py_ssize_t i
......@@ -94,8 +97,8 @@ currently supports OpenMP, but later on more backends might be supported.
Example with thread-local buffers::
from cython.parallel import *
from libc.stdlib cimport abort, malloc, free
from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
from libc.stdlib cimport abort
cdef Py_ssize_t idx, i, n = 100
cdef int * local_buf
[brain dump]
The "Old Cython Users Guide" is a derivative of the old Pyrex documentation. It underwent substantial editing by Peter Alexandar
to become the Reference Guide, which is oriented around bullet points
and lists rather than prose. This transition was incomplete.
At nearly the same time, Robert, Dag, and Stefan wrote a tutorial as
part of the SciPy proceedings. It was felt that the content there was
cleaner and more up to date than anything else, and this became the
basis for the "Getting Started" and "Tutorials" sections. However,
it simply doesn't have as much content as the old documentation used to.
Eventually, it seems all of the old users manual could be whittled
down into independent tutorial topics. Much discussion of what we'd
like to see is at
There is currently a huge amount of redundancy, but no one section has
it all.
Also, we should go through the wiki enhancement proposal list and make sure to transfer the (done) ones into the user manual.
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