Commit 74335c2b authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

speed up int-to-PyUnicode formatting a bit more

parent 4d05ba25
......@@ -574,60 +574,107 @@ static CYTHON_INLINE PyObject* {{TO_PY_FUNCTION}}({{TYPE}} value) {
/////////////// CIntToDigits ///////////////
static const char DIGIT_PAIRS_10[2*10*10+1] = {
static const char DIGIT_PAIRS_8[2*8*8+1] = {
static const char DIGITS_HEX[2*16+1] = {
/////////////// CIntToPyUnicode.proto ///////////////
static CYTHON_INLINE PyObject* {{TO_PY_FUNCTION}}({{TYPE}} value, Py_ssize_t width, char padding_char, char format_char);
/////////////// CIntToPyUnicode ///////////////
//@requires: StringTools.c::BuildPyUnicode
//@requires: CIntToDigits
#include <stdint.h>
// NOTE: inlining because most arguments are constant, which collapses lots of code below
static CYTHON_INLINE PyObject* {{TO_PY_FUNCTION}}({{TYPE}} value, Py_ssize_t width, char padding_char, char format_char) {
// simple and conservative C string allocation on the stack: each byte gives at most 3 digits, plus sign
char digits[sizeof({{TYPE}})*3+2];
// dpos points to end of digits array + 1 initially to allow for pre-decrement looping
char *dpos = digits + sizeof({{TYPE}})*3+2;
// 'dpos' points to end of digits array + 1 initially to allow for pre-decrement looping
char *dpos, *end = digits + sizeof({{TYPE}})*3+2;
const char *hex_digits = DIGITS_HEX;
Py_ssize_t ulength;
int length, prepend_sign;
int length, prepend_sign, last_one_off;
{{TYPE}} remaining;
const {{TYPE}} neg_one = ({{TYPE}}) -1, const_zero = ({{TYPE}}) 0;
const int is_unsigned = neg_one > const_zero;
if (format_char == 'X') {
hex_digits += 16;
format_char = 'x';
// single character unicode strings are cached in CPython => use PyUnicode_FromOrdinal() for them
if (unlikely((is_unsigned || value >= const_zero) && (width <= 1) && (
(format_char == 'o') ? value <= 7 : (format_char == 'd') ? value <= 9 : value <= 15))) {
return PyUnicode_FromOrdinal(
((int) value) + (((int) value) <= 9 ? '0' : (format_char == 'x' ? 'a' : 'A') - 10));
return PyUnicode_FromOrdinal(hex_digits[((int) value)]);
// surprise: even trivial sprintf() calls don't get optimised in gcc (4.8)
remaining = value;
length = 0;
remaining = value; /* not using abs(value) to avoid overflow problems */
last_one_off = 0;
dpos = end;
while (remaining != 0) {
char digit;
int digit_pos;
switch (format_char) {
case 'o':
digit = '0' + abs(remaining % 8);
remaining = remaining / 8;
digit_pos = abs(remaining % (8*8));
remaining = remaining / (8*8);
dpos -= 2;
*(uint16_t*)dpos = ((uint16_t*)DIGIT_PAIRS_8)[digit_pos]; /* copy 2 digits at a time */
last_one_off = (digit_pos < 8);
case 'd':
digit = '0' + abs(remaining % 10);
remaining = remaining / 10;
digit_pos = abs(remaining % (10*10));
remaining = remaining / (10*10);
dpos -= 2;
*(uint16_t*)dpos = ((uint16_t*)DIGIT_PAIRS_10)[digit_pos]; /* copy 2 digits at a time */
last_one_off = (digit_pos < 10);
case 'x':
case 'X':
digit = '0' + abs(remaining % 16);
*(--dpos) = hex_digits[abs(remaining % 16)];
remaining = remaining / 16;
if (digit > '9')
digit = digit - '9' - 1 + (format_char == 'x' ? 'a' : 'A');
*(--dpos) = digit;
if (last_one_off) {
assert(*dpos == '0');
length = end - dpos;
ulength = length;
prepend_sign = 0;
if (!is_unsigned && value <= neg_one) {
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